Just a Thought

It was brought to my attention by a Swedish person on here that Eisa might not be Norse/Scandinavian or something like that. If that the case, what does everyone think of Laufey? From what I gather, it’s pronounced like low-fee (the ow as in “OW that hurt”).

  1. [name]Do[/name] you like it?

  2. Does it sound alright with [name]Cassandra[/name] [name]Xiomara[/name] as Cassandra Xiomara Laufey?

Because of the recent movie [name]Thor[/name], I’m sure most people will automatically think of the king of the [name]Frost[/name] Giants when they hear it. Other than that, I like it! Especially considering that Laufey was a woman in the original mythology, not a guy. I really am not sure that it goes with [name]Cassandra[/name] [name]Xiomara[/name].

I’m glad you like it. I know most people will think boy, but it would be a second middle so i’m not worried about that. I also don’t care if the flow is perfect so as long as it’s a little good :slight_smile: [name]Cody[/name] wants a Norse name in almost every combo. [name]Cassandra[/name] [name]Xiomara[/name] Laufey [name]Thomas[/name]?

And I know, she was the mother of [name]Loki[/name] and I don’t know how many know that. We actually have [name]Loki[/name] in our combos so it’s great to me.

Anyone else want to offer an opinion?

I don’t know anything about Norse names but I think its lovely with the combo :slight_smile: I would have assumed it was pronounced [name]Law[/name]-fee but that should not really be an issue as a 2nd MN

Thanks! In Norse Mythology, Laufey was the mother of [name]Loki[/name]. [name]Just[/name] for the context.

I’m glad you like it! Anyone else?

I like it, sounds really sweet and quirky. A very interesting name, indeed! I also think it fits really well in the combo.

Thanks! I’m glad a few of you like the combo!

Come on guys! Let me know what you think! :slight_smile:

I would appreciate some more opinions guys, thank you.