Just Curious

What are your opinions on these lesser-used, international girl’s names? I like them a lot and I’m curious to hear your thoughts.


[name]Siobhan[/name] - I can see the appeal, just not my style
[name]Ingrid[/name] - I love this. I have cousins named [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Lydia[/name] and I think it is the prettiest sibset! :slight_smile:
[name]Delaney[/name] - Cute, but not my style
[name]Fleur[/name] - can’t get past the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] character
[name]Annika[/name] - I lov e this, very scandinavian

[name]Siobhan[/name] - I like the look of this name, but I dislike how my face kind of goes slack when I say it.
[name]Ingrid[/name]- [name]Love[/name] it. I think of [name]Ingrid[/name] Bergman. So glamorous.
[name]Delaney[/name]- Sounds at once stuck-up surnameish, and modern cutesy-girly to me. But I don’t hate it.
[name]Fleur[/name]- I like it as a middle name. It has a Victorian quaintness, but it’s a little insubstantial [name]IMO[/name].
[name]Annika[/name]- [name]Love[/name] [name]Annika[/name]. It has such clarity and bite. I think of [name]Tommy[/name] and [name]Annika[/name] from [name]Pippi[/name] Longstocking.

I like [name]Siobhan[/name], [name]Delaney[/name] and [name]Annika[/name]. I think [name]Delaney[/name] is most useable in the U.S., followed closely by/tied with [name]Annika[/name].

[name]Siobhan[/name] - one of my favorite teachers has the first name [name]Siobhan[/name]. Growing up in [name]America[/name] she got called SYE-oh-buh-han, unfortunately. It’s a really pretty Gaelic name, but I think I like others ([name]Aoife[/name], [name]Caoimhe[/name], [name]Niamh[/name], [name]Saoirse[/name]…) a little better. I’m not sure if I’d be brave enough to use the Gaelic spellings in [name]America[/name]!

[name]Ingrid[/name] - This is certainly underused and may come with some stereotypes attached. I think it’s a beautiful and unique choice

[name]Delaney[/name] - supposed to be unisex, but has fully been taken over by girls, haha. I do like the “laney” sound of it!

[name]Fleur[/name] - very elegant and demure. I do sometimes remember the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] character, but she is known for her beauty and grace, so that’s not so bad.

[name]Annika[/name] - one of my second cousins (Norwegian family) has this name and says it AHN-nih-kuh. I think it’s pretty cute and will grow well with her!

Overall, I like all of these names to varying degrees, but I’m not sure how well they fit together stylistically. [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Fleur[/name] are my favorites. Good luck!

[name]Siobhan[/name] - Not very fond of it.
[name]Ingrid[/name] - Really like this name! It has a kind of vintage feel and I also think of [name]Ingrid[/name] Bergman
[name]Delaney[/name] - It’s okay, I still prefer [name]Delancey[/name], an old french name.
[name]Fleur[/name] - I don’t really like this.
[name]Annika[/name] - [name]Annika[/name] is probably my favourite! Its really sweet.

[name]Siobhan[/name] - I love this name! It’s the name of one of my friends, so I think of her when I hear it.

[name]Ingrid[/name] - Very beautiful, it’s really common in Norway, so I know a few, but still gorgeous.

[name]Delaney[/name] - It’s very much a surname for me, but quite nice. Seems bland compared to some of your others.

[name]Fleur[/name] - It’s pretty, but it’s a very obvious name.

[name]Annika[/name] - So cute! I’m not sure how you’d like to pronounce it, I say it the swedish way.

My favourites: [name]Siobhan[/name], [name]Ingrid[/name] and [name]Annika[/name].

[name]Ingrid[/name] is common around here, but that’s probably because Scandinavians and Finnish settled the area. The only other one I know is [name]Fleur[/name], but that’s because of a [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] character (don’t worry, she’s on the good side). I’m unsure how to pronounce the others, which would be an issue for me.

[name]Siobhan[/name] - I used to know a girl named [name]Siobhan[/name] when I was a kid. I like it, but not as much as some of the others you have listed. Pronounciation would be a problem if you live in the US.

[name]Ingrid[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] this. I’m considering adding this to my favorites.

[name]Delaney[/name] - This is very common now where I live. I know two little [name]Delaney[/name]'s, both under three. I don’t particularly like it, but it’s okay. Very surnamey.

[name]Fleur[/name] - It’s french for flower, so I like it’s meaning, but I don’t really like it as a first name… maybe as a middle.

[name]Annika[/name] - My second favorite. It’s lovely.

[name]Siobhan[/name] [name]Love[/name] the sound of this name, hate the spelling
[name]Ingrid[/name] Too hard for my taste
[name]Delaney[/name] I like this one for a boy.
[name]Fleur[/name] hate it and it looks like someone mis-spelled flour
[name]Annika[/name] I do not know about this one,I do not love or hate it. It would probably grow on me. nn [name]Annie[/name] and [name]Nikki[/name] are both good.

[name]Siobhan[/name]–I’ve seen this several times here and I know people have typed out how to pronounce it, but I always forget. I think that most people in the US would think it was made up and would not know how to pronounce it.
[name]Ingrid[/name]–Easy to pronounce. Makes me think of actress [name]Ingrid[/name] Bergman, so that’s a good association. A lot of people are digging vintage names lately, so I think most people in the US would see that as going vintage.
[name]Delaney[/name]–This is the one I’ve seen the most here in the US. It comes across as unisex, which is not my favorite trait for a first name. I think some people use it as a path to the nn [name]Laney[/name] and don’t really appreciate the significance of the name.
[name]Fleur[/name]–I am not a fan of word names, so this one doesn’t do it for me.
[name]Annika[/name]–I really love this name. Pronunciation will probably be an issue, though. I love “[name]AH[/name]-ni-kuh” but I know most people in the US would say “[name]ANN[/name]-uh-kuh” or something of the sort–still very lovely, but not so lovely as “[name]AH[/name]-ni-kuh.”

My favourites from your list are [name]Delaney[/name], [name]Fleur[/name] and [name]Annika[/name].

Initially I thought [name]Delaney[/name] would suit a more tomboyish sort of girl, but it has a nice flow to it the more you say it. Perhaps it might look more ‘feminine’ spelt “Delainie”? Depends how you see the name though…

[name]Fleur[/name] has that touch of French chic, uncomplicated and feminine (I have a European background, so it is not such an unusual name to me).

[name]Annika[/name] is not widely used, so would be a good choice for something a bit ‘different’ but not too unusual - and along the same lines as what as pp said, [name]Anni[/name] and [name]Nikki[/name] make good alternative nicknames.

It’s great to see these names being considered - good luck!

[name]Siobhan[/name] pretty. I used to favor more Americanized spellings but now I feel like most people would find this familiar enough to pronounce. It’s not my favorite but I see the appeal
[name]Ingrid[/name] I love this one! My favorite of the list! I find it elegant & beautiful. Very chic
[name]Delaney[/name] nms at all. Very childish sounding & trendy feeling.
[name]Fleur[/name] nms kind of pretentious feeling.
[name]Annika[/name] this is pretty but is it [name]Ann[/name]-ick-uh or Uh-neek-uh?

[name]Siobhan[/name] - I just can’t stand how it’s spelt. I know there’s a reason for it, but it doesn’t sit well for me. Also, I’ve known too many snobby Siobhans in my life for me to like the name still.
[name]Ingrid[/name] - It’s a little hard of a name, if you understand what I’m trying to say. But I read a book who’s main character was called [name]Ingrid[/name] and that has warmed me up to the name.
[name]Delaney[/name] - It feels more like a last name than a first name.
[name]Fleur[/name] - I very much like this name.
[name]Annika[/name] - I really like this name!