Just found out we're pregnant with our first! Here are my girl names

I just found out this morning I am pregnant with my husband and my first child! I am sooo excited! I am going to tell my husband after work tonight!

We have the perfect boys name already picked out. Below are a few girls names i like. Let me know what you think of each of them. I want something original, but hubby doesn’t like celecrity baby names or something people won’t be able to pronounce.

My favorites right now:


The middle name for a girl would likely be [name]Alaine[/name] or [name]Claire[/name].

I’ll also say too, I would [name]LOVE[/name] an irish name or one that starts with a “K” but not a necessity…


I too really like [name]Lyra[/name] [name]Kathleen[/name] or [name]Harbor[/name] [name]Alaine[/name].

[name]Do[/name] you like [name]Kyra[/name]? [name]Harbor[/name] is kinda cool. Similar to [name]Harper[/name] but more unique. I just think it could sound a bit place namish next to a mn or ln. Like a seaside bed & breakfast. But with the right mn it could work…I really like the name [name]Lake[/name], but it has the same problems.


Harbor- Really not a fan. It makes me think of [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Harbor[/name], or any place where ships dock. After that I think of harbor as in harboring fugatives. It doesn’t really work as a name to me.

Lyra- [name]Lyra[/name] on the other hand I absolutely love! Always have, always will. It’s a bautiful name, and I would definitely choose this one.

Auna- Very odd choice. Not that I don’t like odd. Some of the names I love are very odd. But to be honest, when I first saw this one my mind thought “Tuna” and I had to correct myself. That’s just me though.

Talia- Ehehe sounds like the short name for Hetalia. Honestly though, it sounds like a nickname. It’s cute, but I wouldn’t want to live my whole life as [name]Talia[/name].

I very much like [name]Lyra[/name] [name]Alaine[/name]! :slight_smile:

Have you considered the name Korra?

I personally love [name]Talia[/name] [name]Alaine[/name] and [name]Lyra[/name] [name]Claire[/name]!

I think [name]Lyra[/name] [name]Claire[/name] is great! Of course, [name]Lyra[/name] was my top girl pick before DH and I started negotiations on DD’s name so I may be biased :wink:

I suggest you spell the names differently to make them uniquer. For instance Haurrrbbyyyyrrr instead of [name]Harbor[/name], Lllyyyyiiiiwwwrrrruugggggh instead of [name]Lyra[/name], etc.

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Lyra[/name] and [name]Harbor[/name]. So unique without being weird!

[name]Lyra[/name] [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Talia[/name] [name]Claire[/name] are my favourite possibilities.

[name]How[/name] about…
Keavy [name]Alaine[/name]
[name]Una[/name] [name]Claire[/name]
[name]Erin[/name] [name]Claire[/name]

[name]Lyra[/name] is OK. the others are NMS

[name]Aurie[/name]? (orr-ee)

What about [name]Kiara[/name]? [name]Ciara[/name] is technically the irish spelling, but this includes the K too! :slight_smile:

love [name]Harbor[/name] [name]Claire[/name]