Just In! Top 10 Boy's Names in Australia 2009

  1. [name]William[/name] (2) Rankings in 2008 in brackets
  2. [name]Jack[/name] (1)
  3. [name]Lachlan[/name] (3)
  4. [name]Cooper[/name] (5)
  5. [name]Thomas[/name] (7)
  6. [name]Joshua[/name] (4)
  7. [name]Oliver/name
  8. [name]Noah[/name] (13)
  9. [name]Riley[/name] (6)
  10. [name]Ethan[/name] (11)

[name]Riley[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name] I’m not fond of, and [name]Thomas[/name] and [name]William[/name] are a little bleh in my opinion, although I expected them both to be there. [name]Cooper[/name] isn’t really my style, but I like it because of the Scottish connection. I really like the rest! It’s interesting that [name]Lachlan[/name] is up there; do you have a large Scottish/Irish population in Australia?

Thank you for posting this, [name]Rollo[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Hi[/name] twinkle, I have Scottish roots with a great grandfather who emigrated here to minister to his new parishioners in Australia. There are many like me and of course the Irish but also the majority before multiculturalism were English.

We love [name]Lachlan[/name] here and it may even be on my daughter’s list for her new bub. Hurray!

I love [name]Lachlan[/name] as well! It’s on my top favorites list. [name]Hope[/name] it doesn’t get uber popular in the states!

Can you post the link to the page? I didn’t think stats had been released?

Thanks so much [name]Rollo[/name] :slight_smile:


These stats are different?

I have Australian relitves named [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]William[/name] and I did not think that in Australia their names are popular.Cool.

I’m not a traditional name knida girl, but there are a few surprises in there. I like the names [name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Cooper[/name] and [name]Riley[/name] from that line up (although much prefer [name]Riley[/name] for a girl!)

However, should i be in Aussie, which i ain’t, I wouldn’t be using any as top 10 is way too familiar for me. Personally, prefer names that will be a tad more unique.

deliverysurprise I would normally veer away from the top 10 but in this case [name]Lachlan[/name] is a family name and we would like to see it carried on.

The list beginning this post includes the top 10 names for just one Australian state, New South [name]Wales[/name], which has the largest population. 2009 top 10 boys’ names in the next three largest 7 states were:



Western Australia:

Other boys’ names appearing in the top 10 of the remaining 4 states and territories: [name]James[/name], [name]Max[/name], [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Harry[/name], [name]Xavier[/name], [name]Samuel[/name]

Australian baby name stats are always given by each individual state or territory (with the exception of Tasmania which doesn’t publish baby name data), with no official government stats for the entire country.

However, an Australian research firm has been compiling nationwide top names and published a very interesting whitepaper on popular names and naming trends, [name]Baby[/name] Names Australia 2008, and has also issued a “snapshot” report for [name]Baby[/name] Names Australia 2009. If they do a report for 2010, it would include the top 10 names for the entire country in 2009.

[name]Rollo[/name], thanks for bringing Australian names to our attention. I happened to see this post through Google. I’m interested in following naming trends in all anglophone countries, with a special interest in Australia because I have an Australian [name]SIL[/name] and have visited the country twice.

Rollo[/name], thanks for bringing Australian names to our attention. I happened to see this post through Google. I’m interested in following naming trends in all anglophone countries, with a special interest in Australia because I have an Australian [name]SIL[/name] and have visited the country twice.

It is my pleasure I am wrapt to see the latest stats on names here, so thank you for the fuller list.

[name]Rollo[/name], I wondered with your mention of [name]Lachlan[/name] as a name in your family if you’re from Australia and/or have Scots ancestry?

My great grandfather came out to Australia from [name]Scotland[/name] in the late 19th century and my mother had a very Scottish maiden name.
My s.i.l.'s mn is [name]Lachlan[/name] and so it would be lovely from my point of view if that name could be carried down the line in the mn spot, because it is such a great name but also to continue the Scottish connection, but we will just have to wait and see the outcome.

[name]Jack[/name] is common every county you go to. [name]Lachlan[/name] is a beautiful name whenever somone says [name]Lachlan[/name] I think of the wonderfull Australia.