After months of discussion we had settled on the first name [name_m]Xander[/name_m] to go with brother [name_m]Jasper[/name_m]. Then my husband offered some new options that I actually like as well. Those are [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] (or [name_m]Alasdair[/name_m]) and [name_m]Baxter[/name_m]. I also suggested [name_u]Windsor[/name_u] and he kind of liked it spelled [name_m]Wyndsor[/name_m]. Our last name is F.0.x which seems pertinent to our choices. Thoughts? The clock is ticking!
I would rank the names in order:
- [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] - This is such a great name! Definitely my favorite. I also think it goes wonderfully with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m] and your last name.
- [name_m]Xander[/name_m] - Still a great option and I like it with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m]
- [name_u]Windsor[/name_u]/[name_m]Wyndsor[/name_m] - An interesting choice, but not my favorite.
- [name_m]Baxter[/name_m] - I don’t like how it fits with the last name.
My ranking would be:
!. [name_m]Alistair[/name_m]/[name_m]Alasdair[/name_m] - feels more complete than [name_m]Xander[/name_m] and goes better with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m].
2. [name_m]Xander[/name_m] - nice name, I just feel it’s more modern than [name_m]Jasper[/name_m].
3. [name_m]Baxter[/name_m] - quite cool, but again it feels more trendy than classic like [name_m]Jasper[/name_m], and sounds more like a dog name than a human name.
4. [name_u]Windsor[/name_u]/[name_m]Wyndsor[/name_m] - as a baby name, I find this quite pretentious (sorry, I hate using that word!) because of the royal association. I dislike it spelt [name_u]Windsor[/name_u]; spelt [name_m]Wyndsor[/name_m] I think it’s awful!
I would keep [name_m]Xander[/name_m].
Maybe its just me but [name_m]Xander[/name_m] and [name_m]Jasper[/name_m] seems too close. My favorite is [name_m]Alistair[/name_m]! Gorgeous name and goes lovely with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m].
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m]!! [name_u]Love[/name_u] it!
Ok, thanks for your input. I am really liking the name. Any thoughts on how to pronounce it? My initial urge was to pronounce [name_m]Alistair[/name_m], [name_u]ALI[/name_u]-STAIR but my husband thought it should be [name_u]ALI[/name_u]-STER and I tried googling and saw some people say [name_u]ALI[/name_u]-STUH.
I always pronounce is [name_u]Ali[/name_u]-stair, Idk if I’m pronouncing it wrong or not but I think I like that pronunciation better [name_u]Ali[/name_u]-stuh. [name_u]Ali[/name_u]-ster sounds good too.
[name_m]Jasper[/name_m] and…
[name_m]Xander[/name_m]—[name_m]Jasper[/name_m]'s a cool old man name; [name_m]Xander[/name_m]'s a modern nickname…I don’t think they work all that well together.
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m]–probably my favorite from your list. I pronounce it [name_m]AL[/name_m]-i-ster
[name_m]Baxter[/name_m]–my second favorite
[name_u]Windsor[/name_u]–I don’t like with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m], and I really don’t care for respellings with Y, so no on [name_m]Wyndsor[/name_m], but…
I love [name_m]Jasper[/name_m] and [name_m]Winston[/name_m]
From what I understand ali-ster is the most common pronunciation, though I have heard ali-stair before as well. [name_u]Ali[/name_u]-stuh is just how ali-ster would be said with a British accent.
I like [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m]. [name_m]Baxter[/name_m] and [name_m]Jasper[/name_m] are too canine sounding together.
That was the most polite way to say your child’s name sounds like a dog, lol. I love Nameberry. But I did have that concern myself. I’m liking [name_m]Baxter[/name_m] less and less. Besides the canine association it does feel kind of ‘heavy’ to me if that makes sense. Although initially, I liked it for the ‘x’ in it.
[name_m]Xander[/name_m] or [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] are my favourites
I would stay with [name_m]Xander[/name_m]. [name_u]Love[/name_u] it with [name_m]Jasper[/name_m]!
Haha, that’s funny about the [name_m]Spike[/name_m] thing. Ok, my new issue if I choose to go the [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] route is I was planning to use the MN [name_u]Sterling[/name_u]. If we prounounce it
[name_u]Ali[/name_u]-STER [name_u]Sterling[/name_u] I don’t like how the -ster sound repeats. Sounds better to me [name_u]Ali[/name_u]-STAIR [name_u]Sterling[/name_u] but does it still not flow well? Or am I making a big deal out of nothing?
Any middle name ideas for [name_m]Alistair[/name_m]? Particularly ones that start with I or end with -ing?
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]Irving[/name_m]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]Kipling[/name_m]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]King[/name_m]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]Harding[/name_m]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]Spalding[/name_m]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]Ignatius[/name_m]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_u]Indigo[/name_u]
[name_m]Alistair[/name_m] [name_m]Idris[/name_m]
Interesting suggestions! I kinda like [name_m]Kipling[/name_m]. Hadn’t heard of [name_m]Idris[/name_m] before either. I’ve always liked [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] but now concerned it may be too trendy and also too girly?
I think you should stick with [name_m]Xander[/name_m]! I do like [name_m]Alastair[/name_m] too. [name_u]Windsor[/name_u] is a girls name imo
[name_m]Kipling[/name_m] and [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] were my favorites of the combos. I love the association with [name_m]Rudyard[/name_m] [name_m]Kipling[/name_m]. Personally, I much prefer [name_u]Indigo[/name_u] on a boy, and even if it is slightly trendy I think having [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] as a first name gives it a nice balance. It feels much less trendy as a middle to [name_m]Alistair[/name_m] than it would as a first name.