So I was just thinking that I really don’t like any boy names that start with “K.” I tend to prefer “C” spellings if there’s an option, and all “K” names end up seeming trendy or kitchy. Are there any more classic-sounding “K” names? Which do you like? It’s just an interesting observation I made; I’d like to hear people’s thoughts.
[name]Hi[/name] there! I hate the K names, too, and [name]Kellan[/name] and [name]Kyle[/name] feel like the only non-yooneek K boys’ names out there! (For girls, it’s just [name]Katherine[/name] and [name]Kate[/name]!)
The only K names I like for boys are [name]Kaspar[/name] (the [name]German[/name] form of [name]Casper[/name], which I prefer for some reason) and Kipling (which is a surname-y, guilty pleasure name for me). All I like for girls is [name]Katherine[/name].
For girls, as already mentioned, there’s [name]Katherine[/name] and family.
For boys, there’s [name]Karl[/name] ([name]German[/name] spelling)
What about [name]Kieran[/name]? [name]Kevin[/name]. [name]Keith[/name]. [name]Kenneth[/name].
“K” names that I love:
[name]Keira[/name] - yeah, it’s kind of trendy, but I do love it and also [name]Kira[/name].
[name]Kay[/name] - for a middle
[name]Kenneth[/name] - I think this is going to come back in style soon. Very handsome!
[name]Keith[/name] - but it is out of style, too bad!
I like [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Kitty[/name] (as nns for [name]Katherine[/name]).
I don’t mind [name]Kai[/name] and [name]Kiefer[/name] for boys, though I probably wouldn’t use them myself.
I have always liked [name]Keith[/name], and [name]Kenneth[/name].
I love [name]Kerensa[/name]!
i prefer the K spelling of kieran for boys.