Just your FAV name ever

Please tell me your favorite name ever.(just one)
and the reason that makes you love it!
thanks loads!

[name]Imogen[/name]… I think it works for young and old, pretty but serious enough…

ummmm [name]Cecily[/name]? I actually love four names and it is hard to choose, but [name]Cecily[/name] is sort of my “go to” name. It is pretty, not in the top 100, old with lots of history, usable on a child or the elderly and everything inbetween. [name]Sissy[/name] is a cute nick name for my daughter to call her. Cece is a little more mature variation, and just as cute. Plus it sounds really good with my favorite middle name and with my daughters name. I also like that it is French like my husbands heritage. :slight_smile:

[name]Martha[/name]. It’s the name I’d choose to have if I couldn’t have my own.

[name]Rebecca[/name]. I love the way it sounds, its ancient origins, and its use in literature, including the Bible.

[name]Rose[/name]. I love all it’s variants or just [name]Rose[/name] itself. No matter what name I might be falling in love with at the time (and I have a few at the moment) I always go back to [name]Rose[/name] and it’s always tied for first.

[name]Clara[/name]. Its sweet, spunky with a great meaning and inspirational bearers. I also love that its meaning is similar to my [name]Nanna[/name]'s.

[name]Archer[/name]. I love how it sounds strong and yet has an element of sensitivity. I also love te nickname [name]Archie[/name].

I would never use it but I love it because it is beautiful and flowing and yellow. And you can use the nickname [name]Wren[/name].


[name]Long[/name], frilly, girly, beautiful nickname, fun, quirky, classic, timeless, elegant.


It’s feminine but not “girly”
Always loved names with a prominent “O” sound
Beautiful flowers
Linked to my name, [name]Tara[/name]. I’m not Buddhist but I appreciate the beauty in other religions. [name]Tara[/name] is a goddess who is always depicted with [name]Lotus[/name] blossoms

[name]Seraphine[/name]. Less frilly than [name]Seraphina[/name], is related to the highest rank of angels there is and makes me think of pretty things.

So hard to pick just one, but if I had to pick, it would be [name]Luna[/name]

I just love how sweet and cute it sounds. I also love the idea of the nickname “[name]Little[/name] [name]Luna[/name]” when she’s a little girl. It also connects to my name, since [name]Diana[/name] is considered the goddess of the moon/hunt and [name]Luna[/name] means moon.

[name]Rachel[/name] – just love the meaning “little lamb”… also just a beautiful sound to the name and it makes me think of a pretty, intelligent and strong person…:slight_smile:

[name]Felicity[/name], [name]Cecily[/name], [name]Kerensa[/name], and [name]Sofia[/name] - these seem to be the one’s I always come back to. [name]Felicity[/name] is forever off my list because of my angel baby, but it’s still my favorite.

[name]Verity[/name] or [name]Geneva[/name].

I love them both, they seem classy and elegant to me :slight_smile: I also love the nn [name]Ginny[/name]

[name]Justus[/name] - pronounced the [name]German[/name] way: Aussprache von Justus: Wie man Justus auf Deutsch, Schwedisch, Englisch, Lateinisch, Französisch ausspricht

I like how it’s easy to prononounce (I live in Germany, so no confusion here), still rare but everyone knows it.

[name]Taylor[/name] for a girl, I like that boyish note it has, not at all popular in Germany, but probably couldn’t use it here, since English names are considered “trashy”. Such a shame… Still looking for something I love the same amount.


Soft, sophisticated, sleek, liquid, elegant. I love it, it reminds me of morning dew. I always go back to [name]Rosa[/name], no matter what.

Traditional, but not boring. Unpopular (not even trendy here in the UK), but familiar. Feminine, but not too girly. Could suit several types of girls (including a high court judge), especially with so many lovely nns ([name]Jules[/name], [name]Etta[/name], [name]Julia[/name]/[name]Julie[/name], [name]Jet[/name]). Useable for my French family. No major pronunciation problems. Good literary references, and it would allow me to honour many family members at once. Most importantly, it’s the only name for a girl that I’ve ever known that I loved, it’s never been out of my top 5 and I always go back to it. Unfortunately, it’s not brilliant with our last name and my partner prefers others on our list :frowning:

[name]Alice[/name]. Beautiful and classic.