Kaia or Zara?

What name do you prefer?

What sort of vibe do you think these names have?

I love [name]Zara[/name] – classic with a twist. Seems exotic but also down to earth.

I like [name]Zara[/name] better than [name]Kaia[/name]. The spelling just looks weird to me.

This exactly!

I don’t mind [name]Kaia[/name] but yes, like the other previous poster, the spelling looks weird to me. This one has more of a hippie feel to me.

Neither is my style, but I would go with [name]Zara[/name]. I really dislike [name]Kaia[/name].

I love them both! [name]Kaia[/name] feels very earthy and sprightly and full of life. I love that it’s a Scandinavian form of [name]Katherine[/name]; the meaning “pure” is lovely. Likewise, I adore [name]Zara[/name]–the “Z” makes it zippy, and it has a regal/royal sort of vibe to me, thanks to [name]Zara[/name] [name]Phillips[/name], and I love the floral meaning. [name]Both[/name] are unexpected, and both are on my long list, but I like [name]Zara[/name] more. I tend to love -ra endings, and the zippy “Z”, and it reminds me of flowers and [name]Britain[/name], two of my favorite things. :slight_smile:

[name]Zara[/name] is my favorite :slight_smile:

[name]Zara[/name] by a long shot! [name]Kaia[/name] isn’t really my style and seems a bit dated with the popularity of other ky and kay sounding names ([name]Kylie[/name], [name]Kaylie[/name], [name]Kayla[/name], [name]Kyra[/name], etc.).