Kaia, Will and Ollie's brother

See the results of this poll: Kaia Felicity, William Arden, Oliver Kendell and

Respondents: 43 (This poll is closed)

  • Alfred Harley Green: 4 (9%)
  • Frederick Harley Green: 7 (16%)
  • James Harley Green: 9 (21%)
  • Albert Harley Green: 0 (0%)
  • Elliot Harley Green: 7 (16%)
  • Percival Harley Green: 1 (2%)
  • Edward Harley Green: 3 (7%)
  • Joseph Harley Green: 4 (9%)
  • Thomas Harley Green: 8 (19%)

Is [name]Kaia[/name] pronounced ([name]KEYE[/name]-uh?)

Is [name]Will[/name] short for [name]William[/name]? And [name]Ollie[/name] short for [name]Oliver[/name]?

[name]Just[/name] like with your girl’s list, it was so hard to decide, but when I thought about them all individually, it wasn’t too hard to choose! My thoughts:

[name]Alfred[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - not ready to come back yet and too old fashioned but not classic enough for your sibset.
[name]Frederick[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - I adore [name]Frederick[/name]! A very solid name that goes well with all of your children.
[name]James[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - My all time favorite name for a boy. Very charming.
[name]Albert[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - a family name for me, but not a top pick. See [name]Alfred[/name].
[name]Elliot[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - seems out of place with your other children.
[name]Percival[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - while I love to crush on [name]Percival[/name], I do not see [name]Percy[/name] as a great match for you. He’s kind of girly and reminds me of the Greek hero [name]Perseus[/name] - your children all have English names and are all solidly masculine or feminine.
[name]Edward[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - I’ve never liked [name]Edward[/name]. And now he’s on of the Twilight vampires. I prefer [name]Edmund[/name].
[name]Joseph[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - like [name]Joseph[/name], dislike the plain-ness of the nickname [name]Joe[/name]. Okay, I suppose.
[name]Thomas[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name] - my third choice for you. A fine name for any boy, though I wish here were better nicknames than [name]Tom[/name] and [name]Tommy[/name].

Top 3:

[name]Frederick[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name]
[name]James[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name]
[name]Thomas[/name] [name]Harley[/name] [name]Green[/name]

aimzright4: yes (well K(EYE)-a - we’re in the UK so there is a difference!), yes and yes! What do you think?

Thanks garnet. I will admit to having a bit of a crush on [name]Alfred[/name]! The top 3 on the list are our collective favs at the moment. I really love [name]Thomas[/name] but DH isn’t so keen and he loves [name]Elliot[/name] and [name]Albert[/name] but I’m not convinced! Hmm… difficult one.

D x

I just now saw the title of the poll. Duh. LOL

My choices would have to be [name]Thomas[/name], [name]James[/name], and [name]Joseph[/name] (I accidently voted for edward.) All of the other names besides [name]Elliot[/name] and [name]Edward[/name] are a little too old to go with your other boys. [name]Kaia[/name] to me is a spunky modern name and then for her to have a brother named [name]Alfred[/name] or [name]Percival[/name] seems way out in left field. Either way you’ll have a great name.

Four me it was easy. My top 3 are [name]Alfred[/name] (love [name]Alfie[/name] for you!!!so perfect), [name]James[/name] and [name]Elliot[/name]. However, I do miss [name]Toby[/name]. Have you considered [name]Toby[/name] on it’s own?