Karina Noelle's younger sister; would this name work?

When [name]Karina[/name] was young, her mother took her and ran out of state. Her father searched for them, but two weeks after they left, he got a letter in the mail from his ex ordering him to stop looking for them, and if he ever tried to find them, he would never see [name]Karina[/name] again.
Worried for his daughter’s safety, he complied.

Years later, he gets married and has another daughter. He never got over the loss of [name]Karina[/name], and named his next daughter honoring her.
Her name was [name]Noelle[/name], but I wonder if that’d be too weird? [name]Noelle[/name] is [name]Karina[/name]'s middle name, and really never used in the story at all. Only when [name]Karina[/name] eventually meets her younger sister, and her father privately explains the reasoning behind it.

Does [name]Noelle[/name] work for this scenario? I really didn’t want to do another K name, because that comes off as him trying to replace [name]Karina[/name] and pretend his new daughter was in her place, which isn’t what he wanted to do.
I think [name]Noelle[/name] is a subtle way to make it work, perhaps it was his favourite name? Or both girls are born in late [name]December[/name]?

Any other name ideas that’d work are welcome as well.

I think that could absolutely work, though I don’t think giving her sister a K name would come off as him trying to replace her at all. If using [name]Noelle[/name] twice bothers you, have you considered [name]Norah[/name] or [name]Noeline[/name]?

[name]Noeline[/name] is nice…or [name]Noelani[/name], Noelie. Thank you for suggesting that!