Khaled nickname in America?

Khaled [KHaal-ed] is now my husband’s favorite name of all time apparently and I love it too, but I’m concerned about Americans being able to pronounce/recognize it, even though I’m willing to accept most people calling him Call-ed.

I’ve been thinking of Eddie as a nickname, but wonder if its too far from the original name. I don’t like Call as a nickname.

Thoughts? Other ideas for either nicknames or other Arab names that are easy or have American style nick names?

Thanks for any input :heart:

Personally the way I’m saying this at first glance is like kale (the leafy green) as a past tense verb. In the US!

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[name_u]Eddie[/name_u] works to me if you like it! (I knew an Erdogan ‘Ed’ and he got on fine!)

[name_m]Hal[/name_m], [name_u]Kit[/name_u], Ali/Aly, [name_m]Kip[/name_m] maybe?

Some other Arab names with American style nicknames:

[name_m]Bilal[/name_m] ‘Billy’ ‘Bill’
Jassim ‘Jaz’ ‘Jimmy’ ‘Jem’
[name_u]Idris[/name_u] ‘Reese’
[name_m]Yusef[/name_m] ‘Seth’
[name_m]Riad[/name_m] ‘Reid’ ‘Addy’
[name_m]Juda[/name_m] ‘Jude’

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