time for another round haha
you guys are all great - i literally didn’t know how to choose!
LN: Devereux
Parents: Francesca Lavender + Ellison Augustus
The third child for the Devereux’s is a boy! His first name should connect to either Francesca or Ellison’s names. His middle name should be six letters long.
DS: Ari Fenwick (charmingpie19)
DD: Joelle Emerald (EmotionalMermaid)
LN: Blankenship
Parents: Fa’izah Ewatomi + Philip Levi
The Blankenships are expecting another girl! They would like her first name to have a nickname like Winnie. They would also like it to flow nicely in style with Winifred, Theodore, and Tobias. Her middle name should honor Fa’izah’s Nigerian heritage.
DD: Winifred Adola “Winnie” (Inger)
DS/DS: Theodore Ejiro (Carys1) & Tobias Oluwale (EagleEyes)
LN: Ross
Parents: Jayden Sage + Killian Michael
Using an egg donor and surrogate, Jayden and Killian are expecting another little girl! They would like her name to flow with Koda, Lio, and Delphi. Something that feels fresh, cutting edge, and unique. Her middle name should honor Jayden’s mother Antonia Louise who recently passed away, but it does not have to be a direct honor. Antonia was known for her love of Christmas and baking special treats for her kids.
stepDS: Koda Vincent
DS: Lio Solaris (EagleEyes)
DD: Delphi Ju-Won (jujubesun)
LN: Rojas Blake
Parents: Gabriela Alfreda + Mallory Ellen
Gabi and Mallory are about to have their hands full with triplets on the way! Each child should have a name that works well in English and Spanish, but isn’t extremely popular. The triplets should have middle names that all start with the same letter, but Gabriela and Mal don’t care what style the names are at all, as long as everything feels somewhat cohesive.
DD: Inez Taylor (Larryisalittledog)
DD: Mira Layne (MissyTee19)
LN: Benson-Miller
Parents: Eloise Anna + Stacey Colette
Eloise was not looking for love but found Stacey at a coffee shop and the two of them instantly clicked. One thing led to another, and now Eloise and Stacey are expecting their first child together, Eloise’s third. They would like a name that flows nicely with Flora and Rowan, like perhaps another cottagecore name or a name with a long O sound? They are not too picky. Their daughter’s first middle name should have a literary feel to it, and her second middle name should be one syllable.
DD: Flora Adelaide June (Carys1)
DS: Rowan Alexander Jack (BeccaRhubarb)
LN: Polar
Parents: Theda Lucille + Atticus Gerald
Although the ultrasound only showed one baby, the egg split and identical twins were in the cards for the Polars. They are now expecting a son. His first name should be a berry favorite name or feel like it could be used on this site. His middle name should be one syllable and have a snappy feel to it.
DS/DD: Peregrine Banks (breezebri) & Ivy Drew (MissyTee29)
DD/DD: Margo Clark (andreedueck) & Ophelia Quinn (SuzieKim)