Kimberley Stewart names daughter Delilah

In an interview with USA Today, proud grandpa [name]Rod[/name] [name]Stewart[/name] reveals the name of his new granddaughter: [name]Delilah[/name]!

[name]Born[/name] on [name]Sunday[/name], [name]August[/name] 21, baby [name]Delilah[/name] is the first child for [name]Kimberly[/name] [name]Stewart[/name] and her ex [name]Benicio[/name] del [name]Toro[/name] - and the first grandchild for the 66-year-old ‘[name]Forever[/name] [name]Young[/name]’ singer.

I think we are seeing a new trend with celeb babies. Lots of them are picking nameberry style names. Pretty, romantic, spunky, unique names. [name]Denise[/name] [name]Richard[/name]'s with [name]Eloise[/name], [name]Tina[/name] [name]Fey[/name] with [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Ivanka[/name] Trump with [name]Arabella[/name], now [name]Kimberley[/name] [name]Stewart[/name] with [name]Delilah[/name]. I like all these names and think this is the new style!

I’ve always thought Deliliah was underappreciated. It’s lovely, and [name]Lila[/name] as a nickname makes me swoon. :slight_smile:

I find it super sweet :slight_smile: