
Would you consider this name as a first name or is it too trendy/not conservative enough? Is it best left to middle spot or left out completely?

If I hear it, my reaction is to say ‘[name_f]Jamaica[/name_f]’. It’s a city to me (quite literally '[name_m]King[/name_m]‘s Town’), not a name. I’d say leave it out.

It’s not a favourite of mine but I do think it would work nicely in the middle name spot, especially since it fits in with your other more modern/less conservative choices such as [name_u]River[/name_u] & [name_u]Jordan[/name_u].

[name_m]Kingston[/name_m] is not my style, but I can see why you like it. I think it sounds cool, but it would take a certain kind of guy to pull it off, like [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] and Gavins’ son.

It’s not my style and definitey has become too trendy for me, but I think it’s a completely solid and good name to use.

It’s alright, though it is [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] [name_f]Stefani[/name_f]'s son’s name. It also sounds just a little pretentious because of the “king” part. But I don’t like or dislike it.

Names that come from cities/countries are on the rise, so I think it’s a perfectly usable name. I do think of [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] [name_f]Stefani[/name_f]'s son as I think that’s the only person I’ve been aware of being named [name_m]Kingston[/name_m], but I like it. Whether it’s conservative enough depends completely on your tastes.

Thanks everyone. I agree its more my style but still cant make up my mind about it

I prefer [name_u]Kingsley[/name_u]. But I think [name_m]King[/name_m] as a nn name is actually p cute esp when you you have a strong full name like [name_u]Kingsley[/name_u] to [name_m]Kingston[/name_m] to back it up.

I think it fits well with some of the other names in your signature and I would suggest using it in the middle spot. I do like it, but suggest as the mn mostly because it is so well known as [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] [name_f]Stefani[/name_f]'s son’s name.