Kirby or Tilby?

  • Kirby
  • Tilby

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Tilby is cool

I’ve never heard Tilby before but I love its soft sound!!

[name_u]Kirby[/name_u] to me is just

this guy!

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I really don’t prefer either. Sounds adorable for a child but I don’t think it translates well to an adult. But I just have a personal dislike of nicknames as names for both genders.

I like [name_u]Kirby[/name_u] but that is more feminine for me personally - I know a woman named [name_u]Kirby[/name_u]. She’s the sweetest thing and couldn’t picture her with a different name.

Tilby sounds more masculine to me so between the two that would be my preference :slight_smile:

I went with Tilby though it seems more feminine than musculine.

[name_u]Kirby[/name_u] I’ve only seen on women.