I have tentatively picked [name]Willa[/name] [name]Lace[/name] as my #2 girl name. [name]Lacey[/name] is my twin sisters name so I like [name]Lace[/name] as an obvious nod to her without full on using [name]Lacey[/name]- bc my [name]SIL[/name] is also lacy spelled that way and I do t want to get into an awkward spelling battle.
However my husband sees [name]Willa[/name] as a redneck version of willow. As a nameberry member I am completely arguing against that- but as an name unenthusiast is that the impression people would have of [name]Willa[/name]?
I don’t have a [name]Willa[/name], but I wanted one! I don’t see it as redneck or downmarket at all! If anything, it is a strong yet sweet, very classy name to me. I can picture [name]Willa[/name] as a beautiful, intelligent and confident woman with a fun sense of humor. Someone who is good at sports and well liked by everyone, and then surprises you with how smart and musically and artistically talented she is…basically very well rounded. For what its worth, I got nothing but positive feedback about [name]Willa[/name] (most of them rave reviews, two excited thumbs up); the only one that shot it down was my husband sigh.
All that said, I am not a huge fan of [name]Willa[/name] [name]Lace[/name]…too many repetitive sounds. But, middle name meaning trumps flow, so I would still use it.
[name]Willa[/name] is a great name! I doesn’t sound at all redneck-y. It sounds to me like a nn for Wilhemina - totally a royal/upscale name. I think Norselove is right - beautiful, intelligent, confident, sporty and friendly.
It’s one of my faves and my husband also seems to argue it will be confused or misheard as willow! But I don’t think of it as redneck…I think it has the perfect amount of eclectic charm!
I will add I prefer [name]Willa[/name] [name]Lacy[/name]/[name]Lacey[/name] to [name]Willa[/name] [name]Lace[/name].
[name]Willa[/name] is my number one choice… but it isn’t going to work for us. Classy, sophisticated, intelligent. I think [name]Willa[/name] Cather. [name]Love[/name] it!!
[name]Lace[/name] is nms, but I agree with the previous poster that family meaning trumps flow.
I know an 18-year-old young lady named [name]Willa[/name]. She’s absolutely lovely. She’s a ballerina and very well-cultured. The name has always brought images of elegance because of that girl. [name]Willa[/name] [name]Lace[/name] is a great name. The sounds aren’t ideal, but it is meaningful, which matters so much more than sound, in my opinion.
My perception is the exact opposite of your husband’s. I think of [name]Willa[/name] as the classier version of [name]Willow[/name].
[name]Philip[/name] [name]Seymour[/name] Hoffman has a daughter named [name]Willa[/name], and one of [name]Meryl[/name] Streep’s daughters has [name]Willa[/name] as her middle name. [name]David[/name] Mamet has a daughter named [name]Willa[/name]. I would expect [name]Willa[/name]'s parents to be literate and artsy.
It’s a very nice combination. If your husband had never, ever heard of the name, I can see why he would think it was [name]Willow[/name] with a deep twang, but you could really make that argument for any girls’ name ending with -a. [name]Marla[/name] isn’t [name]Marlowe[/name], [name]Mila[/name] isnt [name]Milo[/name], and [name]Willa[/name] isn’t [name]Willow[/name]. If he isn’t convinced have him look over his high school English reading list at ‘O Pioneers’ or’My [name]Antonia[/name].’
To me, [name]Willa[/name] evokes the image of a little girl from the early 20th century, and [name]Willow[/name] is very whimsical. [name]Willa[/name] is the vintage version of [name]Willow[/name], not the redneck version! [name]Willa[/name] is gorgeous!
[name]Love[/name] that you posted this because [name]Willa[/name] is on our short (really nonexistent) list for our daughter due in 3 weeks. Judging by your signature, we have very similar name taste because my daughter is [name]Harper[/name] and we have considered [name]Stella[/name], [name]Monroe[/name], and now [name]Willa[/name] for this baby and her middle name will likely be [name]Kate[/name]. [name]Willa[/name] [name]Kate[/name] just sounds adorable to me.
I do not think of it as redneck at all! I live in the Southern US, so maybe my opinion is skewed but I think it is very regal and cultured sounding. To be honest, I would be much more concerned about the “[name]Lace[/name]” middle name sounding redneck. I’m especially not crazy about it with [name]Willa[/name] because it almost sounds like [name]Wallace[/name] when said quickly. If you’re set on [name]Lace[/name], then I would maybe go for one of your other choices for the first name.
You’re husband is crazy… No trashy-Ness associated with [name]Willa[/name]!
I love [name]Willa[/name]! I was hoping to have one of my own, but I think that will only happen if this and the next baby are girls. I don’t think it’s redneck at all. It’s so pretty and soft and vintage, I don’t see what’s not to love!
I know a 16-year-old [name]Willa[/name] and the name fits her to a t. She is smart, funny and elegant. I love the name, I think it’s gorgeous and would love to meet a baby [name]Willa[/name]!