Kyler/Cuyler VS Skyler/Schuyler

See the results of this poll: Kyler/Cuyler VS Skyler/Schuyler

Respondents: 10 (This poll is closed)

  • Kyler : 3 (30%)
  • Cuyler : 0 (0%)
  • Skyler : 4 (40%)
  • Schuyler: 3 (30%)

I know that [name_u]Schuyler[/name_u] is probably the original spelling but [name_u]Skyler[/name_u] looks so much easier to me. I even had to look up how to spell [name_u]Schuyler[/name_u] to check that I had got it right. Riddled with spelling and prn problems for the child in question.

I actually know a [name_m]Kyler[/name_m] and a [name_m]Cuyler[/name_m] and I think the “kyler” spelling looks more “legit.” My vote went to [name_m]Kyler[/name_m].
