Landlady Quiz Caf 2: Çalıkuşu

[name_f]My[/name_f] landlady has finished another series- in record time! Today she has watched about eight hours. I admire her stamina greatly.
This last show was called Çalıkuşu, based off of a book by Reşat [name_u]Nuri[/name_u] Güntekin. I liked this much better than Fatih Harbiye- it’s a period piece with some mild violence and the love story sideline didn’t infuriate me as much. Unfortunately, it was cancelled before the series had a chance to end, because viewers were not as interested in an epic old fashioned drama as they were a story about a bunch of young people with money fighting over other young people with money.
Note: S with a tail is “sh”, c with a tail is “ch”, c without a tail is “j”, e at the end of the name is pronounced “eh/ey”, and g with the hat is a little like a y.
So, without further ado, here is: Çalıkuşu! Names and questions are from/based off of the series.


FN: Have you ever wished upon a star?
Yes- [name_f]Aleksi[/name_f], [name_u]Esra[/name_u], Fahriye
No- Ebru, Gülmisal, Necmiye

MN: Were you a troublemaker as a child?
Yes- [name_f]Su[/name_f], Makbule, Bengü
No- [name_u]Elif[/name_u], Münevver, [name_u]Wren[/name_u]


FN: Would you ever be/are you a doctor?
Yes- Çarsaf, Burak, Muzaffer
No- [name_m]Ahmet[/name_m], İlkay, Aytekin

MN: What’s your favorite kind of mustache?
Handlebar- Erol, [name_m]Deniz[/name_m], Vahdet
Thick, upper lip, ends beneath cheeks- Batuhan, [name_m]Selim[/name_m], Cumali
Mustaches? gross- Seyfettin, [name_u]Kamran[/name_u], Hilmi


FN: Have you ever dreamt of a cozy boarding school life with fifteen close friends who are like sisters?
Yes- [name_m]Felike[/name_m], [name_f]Sibel[/name_f], Çalıkuşu
No- Pinar, [name_f]Katina[/name_f], [name_f]Melisa[/name_f]
Already done it- Feride, Dilber, Nebibe

MN: Opinions on horses?
Mortifying- Müjgan, Besime, Matild
Magical- [name_f]Mari[/name_f], Neriman, Misel
Meh- Ceren, Azelya, [name_f]Sahra[/name_f]


FN: [name_m]Can[/name_m] you speak [name_u]French[/name_u]?
Oui!- Serkan, Mutlu, [name_m]Omer[/name_m]
Nope!- Esin, Doğan, Fehmi
Un petit peu- Nizamettin, Ejder, Alptekin

MN: In general, do you prefer the book or its television adaptation?
Book- İskender, [name_m]Tarik[/name_m], Sevgi
TV/Movie- Çağan, [name_m]Timur[/name_m], [name_m]Mehmet[/name_m]


FN: [name_m]How[/name_m] much do you love tea?
A healthy amount- Begüm, [name_f]Melek[/name_f], Hande
An unhealthy amount- [name_m]Ege[/name_m], [name_f]Leyla[/name_f], Zahide

MN: Would you be willing to watch 30 95-120 minute long episodes of a show in a two week span?
[name_f]Do[/name_f] it every month- Günes, Hülya, Asli
Who has time for that?- Aliye, Nadide
I am prepared to be one with my couch- Nehir, Behice


FN: Who would you be in a carnival?
[name_u]Dancer[/name_u]/singer- [name_m]Yusuf[/name_m], [name_m]Levent[/name_m],
Bouncer- Ferhan, [name_m]Murad[/name_m],
Audience Member- [name_u]Kristian[/name_u], Sukru

MN: Would you rather live in a mansion or a very nicely furnished tent?
Mansion- Veysel
Tent- Huseyin
Both- [name_m]Can[/name_m]

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DD1: Necmiye [name_f]Su[/name_f]
DS1: Aytekin [name_m]Selim[/name_m]
DD2: [name_m]Felike[/name_m] Matild
DS2: Ejder [name_m]Iskender[/name_m]
DD3: [name_f]Leyla[/name_f] Behice
DS3: [name_u]Kristian[/name_u] [name_m]Can[/name_m]

DD: [name_u]Esra[/name_u] [name_u]Wren[/name_u]
DS: [name_m]Ahmet[/name_m] [name_u]Kamran[/name_u]
DD: [name_f]Sibel[/name_f] [name_f]Mari[/name_f]
DS: Serkan Çağan
DD: Hande Behice
DS: [name_m]Levent[/name_m] Veysel

Ebru [name_u]Wren[/name_u]
[name_m]Ahmet[/name_m] Hilmi
[name_m]Felike[/name_m] Ceren
Dogan [name_m]Tarik[/name_m]
[name_f]Melek[/name_f] Nadide
[name_u]Kristian[/name_u] [name_m]Can[/name_m]

DD1: [name_f]Aleksi[/name_f] [name_u]Wren[/name_u]
DS1: İlkay [name_m]Selim[/name_m]
DD2: [name_f]Melisa[/name_f] Neriman
DS2: Ejder [name_m]Tarik[/name_m]
DD3: [name_f]Leyla[/name_f] Behice
DS3: [name_u]Kristian[/name_u] Veysel

[name_u]Esra[/name_u] [name_u]Wren[/name_u]
Ilkay Erol
[name_f]Sibel[/name_f] [name_f]Mari[/name_f]
Dogan [name_m]Iskender[/name_m]
[name_f]Leyla[/name_f] Hulya
Sukru Veysel

[name_u]Esra[/name_u], Ilkay, [name_f]Sibel[/name_f], Dogan, [name_f]Leyla[/name_f], & Sukru

Fahriye [name_u]Elif[/name_u] (12)
[name_m]Ahmet[/name_m] Batuhan (10)
[name_f]Katina[/name_f] [name_f]Mari[/name_f] (7)
Nizamettin İskender (5)
[name_f]Melek[/name_f] Aliye (2)
Sukru Veysel (nb)

[name_u]Esra[/name_u] Makbule
[name_m]Ahmet[/name_m] [name_u]Kamran[/name_u]
[name_f]Melisa[/name_f] Besime
Ejder [name_m]Mehmet[/name_m]
Hande Aliye
[name_u]Kristian[/name_u] Veysel

I absolutely have to read the book asap!! i’m so excited someone else on here knew about it :smiley:

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