Thoughts on this name for a girl? I’d probably pair it with a one syllable classic girl name like “[name]Jane[/name]” or something similar…
[name]Do[/name] you have any special reason for choosing this name? If so, then it could have wonderful meaning for you & be just right. But without any special personal meaning, the name does not hugely appeal to me. [name]Laramie[/name] is a great town & all (I got snowed in there on a x-country road trip), but it’s still the name of a place & not a person for me.
Perhaps the name [name]Laura[/name] would appeal to you? It sounds like the name of a cute Western gal, thanks to [name]Laura[/name] Ingalls [name]Wilder[/name]. [name]Leah[/name], [name]Lauren[/name], [name]Loralei[/name] & [name]Abigail[/name] are also nice names with L sounds in them.
I knew that [name]Laramie[/name] sounded familiar for more reasons than being a city in [name]Wyoming[/name], so I just Googled it and found that there’s a movie called The [name]Laramie[/name] Project, about the brutal murder of a young man named [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Shepard[/name], who was killed because he was gay. Because of this tragedy, I’d personally go with another name.
If you’re still searching for names, I’m wondering if you’d like [name]Romilly[/name], which has [name]Laramie[/name]'s sounds, only rearranged.
I think that [name]Romilly[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is lovely!
Good luck!