Lark K_________ - Problematic?

[name]Hi[/name] Berries!

I am recently loving the name [name]Lark[/name]; however, our last names starts with K. What are your thoughts on this?

It doesn’t really bother me that much, but I guess it doesn’t have the BEST flow.

What do you think? Is this a deal breaker?

It would be a deal breaker for me :frowning:
I tried saying it out loud with different K-sound names, and the name tended to blend together. Like [name]Lark[/name] [name]King[/name] just sounded like “Larking.” [name]Lark[/name] Castle became “Larcastle.”

Yeah, unfortunately the letter K is harsh and kind of hard to separate from itself, if that makes sense. Like, I think names ending with S with the last name S are OK, like [name]Carys[/name] [name]Summers[/name], but [name]Lark[/name] is really hard to stop short and then start another K sound immediately after. I probably sound like I’m talking jibberish right now…

It almost sounds like, I mean, if your last name was… say, [name]Kennedy[/name], that you are saying Lar [name]Kennedy[/name] instead of [name]Lark[/name] and then people might think you named your daughter Lar. I do love that name though. The only thing you could possibly do is give her a double first name but it would be hard to pull off.

I love [name]Lark[/name]! To me, something like [name]Lark[/name] Keller would be fine, definitely not a dealbreaker for me, although smooshing letters generally doesn’t bother me. For a while [name]Arianne[/name] [name]Noelle[/name] was my second pick for a girl, and it didn’t bother me at all. :slight_smile:

It’s a bit of a deal breaker for me, how about:


I agree. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to enunciate two k sounds (try in [name]Habakkuk[/name]).

Depends on the surname. Like a pp said, it may run together with the surname. It wouldn’t be the biggest deal breaker for me, but if you are doubtful I would say to not use it.

I do like [name]Wren[/name] and [name]Avis[/name] as alternatives.

I think it depends on the last name. [name]Lark[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name], [name]Lark[/name] Keller seem to separate easily enough. But something like [name]Lark[/name] [name]King[/name] seems difficult. I would base it specifically on your last name and decide from there.

[name]How[/name] about [name]Larkin[/name]? This is one of my favorite names right now and perfectly usable for a boy or girl (I like it for a girl but it’s great for both). You could use [name]Lark[/name] as a nickname (most likely if [name]Larkin[/name] gets shortened, it will be [name]Lark[/name]).

The problem you see with [name]Lark[/name] is that it ends in a K and your last name starts with a K. But to anyone tht will be say the kids full first and last name together won’t be using a nickname. It would always be [name]Larkin[/name] K_____.

Sorry if I’m jumbled. I’m really sleepy!

[name]Hope[/name] that helped.

[name]Larkin[/name] is a great suggestion. I think it depends on the surname. I love [name]Lark[/name]. I think it would sound pretty in a double barrel name & that would break it up. Like [name]Lark[/name] [name]Anne[/name].

[name]IMO[/name] it depends on your last name, for instance [name]Lark[/name] Koontz runs together but [name]Lark[/name] Keller works fine to me.

Someone beat me to it! I was going to suggest [name]Larkin[/name]/Larken as well. Throwing in another sound between the two K sounds would keep them from running together.

I think it depends on what exactly your surname is.

I grew up with a girl named [name]Lark[/name]! Her middle name was [name]Ariel[/name](air re ul).