LN: Fischer
DH: Emrys Conrad Fischer
DW: Achillea Florence (Gray) Fischer (Quilliza)
Emrys and Achillea were thrilled to find out they were having boy/boy twins. Emrys himself is a twin, so he can’t wait to welcome the boy’s. They want the twins’ names to be rare, yet familiar. They want one of the boy’s middle names to honor Emrys’ twin brother, Bodhi Stefan, They want the other boys name to honor Achillea’s dad, Lawrence Callaghan.
LN: Smith-Johnson
DW: Cordelia Hathor Smith-Johnson
DP: Remy Sage Smith-Johnson (Inger)
Remy and Cordelia are having a daughter! They want her first name to be very unisex and uncommon against Smith-Johnson. Her middle name should be literary, as Cordelia’s sisters’ names were literary themed.
LN: Robinson
DH: Prince Theodore Phillip Noble “Teddy” Robinson
DW: Princess Rue Viola Pearl (Deveraux) Robinson (Inger)
Teddy and Rue are thrilled to be having a little princess. Growing up, Rue wished she had a nickname so they want their daughter to have a long name (3+ syllables) with a cute nickname. Her first middle name should honor Rue. Her second middle name should be rooted in royalty.
LN: Montague
DW: Zoé Jessa Beatrix (Golden) Montague
DH: Tyler Ives Montague (andreedueck)
Both coming from quadruplets, Zoé and Tyler knew they had a chance of having quadruplets. Little did they know, that would come true. They want their first names to work in English and Hungarian. The first boys middle name should honor Tyler. The second boy’s middle name should honor Tyler’s dad, Michael Joseph. The girls middle name should honor Zoé. The third boys name should honor Zoé’s dad, Larry Edward.
LN: Dylan
DH: Adrian Grey Leo Dylan (readingclaygirl)
DW: Sofia Mirabel (Rhodes) Dylan
Sofia and Adrian are thrilled to be expecting girl/girl twins! They both love the night sky, so the girl’s names should relate to it in some way. Sofia has always loved “matchy” sibling names, so they should also start with the same letter. One of the girls’ names should honor Adrian’s mom, Maria Simone. The other girls’ name should honor Sofia’s mom, Jennifer Jane.
LN: Castell-Clayborne
DH: August Theodore Castell-Clayborne
DW: Little May (Foster) “Lil” Castell-Clayborne (writersrock)
August and Lil are thrilled to be welcoming a daughter. Her first name should be a month name to honor August and Lil (her middle name is May). Her middle name should be from this list (Easter Names: the Ultimate Guide | Nameberry) as Lil is due on Easter.
LN: Collins
DH: Ezra James Collins
DW: Esther Clio (Perry) Collins (emily_becca123)
Ezra and Esther are thrilled to be welcoming a baby boy! His first name should be modern and unique, and it should start with E because their names do. His middle name should honor their friend, Tanner Jackson, for bringing them together.
LN: Monet-French-Maclean
DW: Daphne Verona Monet-French-Maclean
DW: Elizabeth Moon Monet-French-Maclean (readingclaygirl)
Daphne and Elizabeth were thrilled to hear that they were approved for adoption! However, at the ultrasound, they were shocked to find out there are 3! They want their first names to be short and classic to counteract Monet-French-Maclean. The first boy’s middle name should honor Daphne’s dad, Atlas Thorin. The second boy’s middle name should honor Elizabeth’s dad, William James. The girl’s middle name should honor Daphne’s sister, Clara Zealand.
LN: Song-Dufour
DW: Jade Livia Melody (Levin) Song-Dufour
DH: Rio-Zane Frost Song-Dufour (Inger)
Initially, Jade and Rio-Zane were told they were having sextuplets. However, a few weeks later they were informed that 2 of the eggs split leaving them with 2 sets of identical twins and 4 other babies. Octuplets! Their first names should all be celebrity baby names (as weird as you want). Their first middle names should be literary and their second middle names should be in the US top 100.
LN: Pewhairangi
DW: Loretta Jiao (Oliver-Scott) Pewhairangi
DH: Senna Bowie Pewhairangi (Inger)
Loretta and Senna are over the moon to be welcoming a little girl! Her first name should be of Maori origin to honor Senna’s heritage. Her first middle name should honor Loretta’s sister, Louise Hua. Her second middle name should relate to the Beatles, like Loretta’s older siblings.
LN: Corriedale
DH: Bowen Leo (Fox) Corriedale
DH: Finn Wesley (Guillebeaux) Corriedale (EmotionalMermaid)
Bowen and Finn are having twin girls! Finn and Bowen are very into signs, so since the girls are due in July, their names should come from this list: July Names Turn up the Heat | Nameberry. Both girls’ middle names should be unisex.
LN: van der Zee
DH: Thijs Lucien Pontus Florin van der Zee
DW: Eirlys Ffion Tia Brianna (Davies) van der Zee
Eirlys and Thijs are thrilled to be welcoming their son! After they got married, Eirlys and Thijs moved to the US and they quickly learned that their names would be hard to live with. Eirlys is Welsh, Thijs is Dutch, and they live in the US, so they want his first name to bridge all 3 cultures. He should be able to live with the name in the Netherlands, Wales, and the US. Eirlys and Thijs have always felt that 3 middle names was WAY too much, so they decided to go for 2. His first middle name should mean “light” as this boy is their rainbow baby. His second middle name should honor Thijs.