I posted a few weeks ago wondering whether I should use [name]Nola[/name] or [name]Carmen[/name] for my baby girl. I’m due any day now and I think I’ve decided on using the “longer” form of [name]Nola[/name] and naming my daughter [name]Finola[/name] [name]Carmen[/name]. She’ll probably be called [name]Nola[/name] more often than [name]Finola[/name], but I really like the substance of [name]Finola[/name].
I think [name]Finola[/name] [name]Carmen[/name] is a stunning name, and I’m so glad you decided to use the elegant [name]Finola[/name] instead of “[name]Nola[/name].” Using [name]Finola[/name] is a fantastic choice, as you’ll be able to call her both [name]Finola[/name] and [name]Nola[/name]. What a gorgeous name!
Great choice! I think using a longer version of the name is a very good decision, and will probably serve her well. And [name]Nola[/name] is so sweet for a nickname!
[name]Finola[/name] [name]Carmen[/name] is gorgeous! [name]Glad[/name] you decided to go with the longer form, happier still you get to use [name]Nola[/name]! Huzzah! Come back & tell us when she’s here?
I’m SO glad you all love the name!!! Still no baby :(, but I’ll be sure to fill you in when she makes her debut! Thanks again, you guys have been such help!