If your last name was [name_m]Oaks[/name_m] and you are having a baby girl what would you name her? I was thinking [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] but I was reading the comments on that name and people find it offensive to Native Americans. [name_f]Do[/name_f] y’all think it’s useable?
I know several little girls named [name_u]Dakota[/name_u], I think it’s fine
[name_m]Just[/name_m] adding that I’m from Australia, so my opinion may not be as valid!
I just dont like [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] as a name.
It’s in the top 300 for girls so I doubt anyone would find it offensive, its not like youre the only one using it
[name_u]Dakota[/name_u] [name_m]Oaks[/name_m]… it sounds like a place to me, a name of a park full of oaks or of a condominium. The repetition of the strong “k” sounds turns me off a bit, but other than that I think [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] is perfectly usable if it’s the name you love.
I live in the U.S. and I do think that it is culturally insensitive, yes, especially with everything that’s going on right now with the [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] Access Pipeline.
I just don’t think [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] flows well with [name_m]Oaks[/name_m]…The O and the K sounds are quite repetitive.
Here are some names that remind me of [name_u]Dakota[/name_u]…
[name_u]Indiana[/name_u] or [name_f]Indie[/name_f]
Good luck finding the perfect name for your little one.
That’s crazy [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] is no more offensive than [name_u]Cheyenne[/name_u], which is to say it’s not offensive at all. These are places. It’s not offensive to name your child after a place, and if it were, it’d be offensive for that place to be named that anyway.
[name_u]Dakota[/name_u] is perfectly usable, and as a person over a quarter native American and very involved in the pipeline issue, I assure you I’m not offended.
It would be silly to be so. I don’t even associate the name [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] with the pipeline on this website because it’s not the same context.
My thought exactly.