I’m due in a little over a month and am still a little torn on our names. My husband and I have different last names and I would like our children to have my last name as their middle name. Our last names are both three syllables and my husband worries that the name will be a mouthful. I agree somewhat, but really want to have an obvious connection to the child and I knew someone else who did this and liked the idea. In my family my sisters and I have family last names as middle names. So, I guess I have always viewed middle names as utilitarian. Honestly, how often do you use your middle name?
My question is what are your opinions on last names as middle names? My last name is Scottish and starts with [name]Mac[/name]…my husband’s last name is [name]German[/name].
If it is a boy it will most likely be named [name]Duncan[/name] as that is a family name and one I have wanted to use since college. If it is a girl [name]Edith[/name] ([name]Edie[/name]) is our front runner but we have also considered [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Frances[/name], [name]Adele[/name], [name]Lydia[/name] and [name]Harper[/name] (I like this name but am not sold on it, b/c it is not obviously feminine…it might leave you wondering b/c of the middle/last name combo).
Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!