
Is the spelling “Leighe” too outrageous to use for a middle name?

I’m really into numerology, and I’m changing my entire name for many reasons. The name Leighe equals to a number that is desirable, whereas [name]Leigh[/name] doesn’t.

Some name ideas I was thinking of were:

[name]April[/name] [name]Gabrielle[/name] Leighe lastname
[name]April[/name] [name]Danielle[/name] Leighe lastname
[name]April[/name] [name]Gabriella[/name] Leighe lastname
[name]April[/name] [name]Daniella[/name] Leighe lastname

My given name has 2 middle names in it, and I’d love to have 2 in my new one. I want [name]Gabrielle[/name] or [name]Danielle[/name] in my name for the meanings.

Well, the spelling Leighe does look very messy to me, and if you were considering it as a first name I’d advise against because it’s confusing enough that I might butcher the pronounciation, too (I’d say [name]Leah[/name] instead of [name]Lee[/name]), but as it’s in the middle then you can really do anything - very few people will even know your middle, let alone have to say/spell it.

That said, do make sure that your passion for numerology isn’t just a passing fad - it would be awful to look back in a couple of decades and regret changing your name, particularly if the one you have now has meaning to your family.


Oh no, no. I’m not changing it because of numerology.
I have other reasons for changing my name, I just figured since I am changing it I might as well use Numerology to help. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you spell it Leighe, it can no longer phonetically be pronounced ‘lee’. To me, it’s just as bad as all the other tryndee spellings out there. Anyway, it doesn’t really flow with the other middle names-- too L-heavy. It’s your name, though, so do whatever you want!

I agree with the PP- if you were naming a child, I’d say it was a very convoluded spelling for a one-syllable name, but it’s your own name, and you obviously like it, so go ahead!

It makes me want to pronounce it like “my liege,” or “leaf.”

Like everyone else has said, though, it’s your name. [name]Do[/name] what you want with it.