What do you think of the name Leighlou for a girl? It could also be spelled Leelou, etc. I haven’t been able to find any meanings but it sounds very happy.
If you search for [name]Lilou[/name] you’ll find some information… It’s a pet form of [name]Liliane[/name] used in [name]France[/name]… ^^
I love it, it’s a beautiful name, but I prefer the [name]Lilou[/name] spelling over the other two…
It’s very cute, though, much like [name]Lola[/name] and [name]Lulu[/name], so I’m not sure I’d use it alongside names like [name]Katherine[/name] or [name]Alexander[/name]. I think [name]Avery[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] would be nice siblings for example…
Leeloo is the character played by [name]Milla[/name] Jovovich in the movie The Fifth Element. I love the way this name sounds. As Dearest mentions [name]Lilou[/name] is the original spelling. I just looked up the name and realized the first part of my post was included with the name. I actually just watched the The Fifth Element again the other night and asked my husband if he liked [name]Lilou[/name] for a first name, he said no :(.
To my ears, it sounds like a nickname, and it reminds me of [name]Lulu[/name], which is often a nickname for [name]Louise[/name]. I think the child would spend its life spelling it for people, which can (I know) be tiresome, but this is not meant as a criticism of your choice.
Let us know what you decide!
DH and I really like the name and thanks for the [name]Lilou[/name] spelling which we do prefer. None of our close friends care for it. What are some possible names for which it could be a nickname?
I think that [name]Lilou[/name] is sweet.
I think it could be a nickname for:
[name]Lydia[/name] (more of a stretch)
[name]Linnea[/name] [name]Louise[/name] (the Li from [name]Linnea[/name] and the [name]Lou[/name] from [name]Louise[/name])
[name]Lydia[/name] [name]Louise[/name] (ditto)
[name]Lily[/name] [name]Louisa[/name] (ditto)
[name]Eliza[/name] [name]Louise[/name] (the LI from [name]Eliza[/name])
[name]Leah[/name] [name]Louise[/name]
Best wishes to you!
[name]Lilou[/name] is adorable! Here are possible first names:
These are kind of a stretch:
I love that movie! And I only just watched it again recently, too!
Leeloo (in the movie) absolutely cracks me up. I’ve been fond of that name ever since, although I think I prefer the “[name]Lilou[/name]” spelling of it.
– [name]Nephele[/name]
I love that movie! And I only just watched it again recently, too!
Leeloo (in the movie) absolutely cracks me up. I’ve been fond of that name ever since, although I think I prefer the “[name]Lilou[/name]” spelling of it.
– [name]Nephele[/name][/quote]
I love her character in that movie! Actually [name]Milla[/name] plays [name]Alice[/name] in Resident Evil another movie and name we like. Hmm, maybe I should go look up [name]Milla[/name]'s other movies for more names to take into consideration. Oh yes and she sings a song called [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Lane[/name] which is one of the names we are considering. I’m starting to sound like I have a thing for Ms. Jovovich LOL.
I agree it has a nice sound and is cute, but I can’t emphasize enough how much better the [name]Lilou[/name] spelling looks particularly from an image standpoint. I’m afraid [name]Leigh[/name] + [name]Lou[/name] looks like two Southern middle names strung together (if you are at all familiar with U.S. South). The connotation may be different elsewhere . . . Sounds like you are already sold on [name]Lilou[/name] spelling, but I had to throw this perspective in there!
[name]EDIT[/name]: I don’t mean to disparage Southern names here . . . I’m really getting at something different – perhaps “country” would be the term. It may be just the thing some people are looking for! But it didn’t sound like what you were looking for . . .
Another vote for the [name]Lilou[/name] spelling. I love it as a nickname; not sure about it as the full, given name. I think it could be short for anything starting with L without any trouble. Really cute on a [name]Lillian[/name] or [name]Louise[/name]/a.