
[name]Hi[/name]. We are still searching for the perfect baby boy name and have come across [name]Lennox[/name]…this issue is that I HATE the nickname [name]Lenny[/name] (i [name]LOVE[/name] it for a girl tho) ---- do you think that I could name this baby [name]Lennox[/name] but call him [name]Knox[/name]?? does that nickname seem to be too contrived? and that way I could avoid all the Brangelina connotations that would happen if I named him [name]Knox[/name].

We have one DS named [name]Dash[/name] - do [name]Dash[/name] and [name]Lennox[/name]/[name]Knox[/name] go together okay?

Thanks everyone

I think you could pull it off no problem!
I also think they work well as a sib set

I think [name]Knox[/name] is a good name for [name]Lennox[/name], and [name]Lennox[/name] and [name]Dash[/name] go together well.

I love [name]Lennox[/name], and would just call him [name]Lennox[/name] all the time rather than shortening it to anything.

I think you can definitely pull it off, and agree that [name]Lennox[/name] and [name]Dash[/name] work well together.
Keep in mind too that if you call him [name]Knox[/name] and that’s what he know’s himself as that then that’s how he will introduce himself or that’s how he will be known.

My niece is [name]Isabella[/name]. My sister hates [name]Izzy[/name] as a nn, but loves [name]Bella[/name]. Since we’ve always called her [name]Bella[/name] that’s what she is known as now and no one calls her [name]Izzy[/name].

My new baby cousins name :slight_smile: he’s [name]Lennox[/name] [name]Francis[/name]
It kind of reminds me of kleenix though, just saying.

I like [name]Knox[/name] by itself, I don’t like [name]Lennox[/name] so much

[name]Dash[/name] & [name]Knox[/name] are nice together :slight_smile:

I think [name]Dash[/name] & [name]Lennox[/name] make a great pair. [name]Ever[/name] since I read Mcbeth I thought [name]Lennox[/name] was a cool name. [name]Knox[/name] on the other hand makes me think of Knorr, the cooking aides brand and I don’t like it that much.

I like [name]Dash[/name] and [name]Lennox[/name] together. I would just call him [name]Lennox[/name] and not shorten it.

[name]Love[/name] all names. The only problem I see is, “[name]Knox[/name]” and “[name]Dash[/name]” are both farely celebrity related names, [name]Knox[/name] [name]Jolie[/name]-[name]Pitt[/name], and [name]Kourtney[/name] Kardashian just named her baby [name]Mason[/name] [name]Dash[/name]. but if you overlook that, very cute:)

Thanks everyone. I really like the name and it is definetly on my short list…now to just convince my husband! As for the celebrity names — I was worried that [name]Kourtney[/name] Kardashian was going to name her baby [name]Dash[/name], I am glad it was in the middle name spot — but my [name]Dash[/name] is older so at least people wont think I named him after the kardashians…but i do love the kardashians.