Leonie -- opinions and pronounciations!

I’m really starting to like this name! It feels like such an empowering name for a girl to have, though I’d probably use it in the middle spot. What are your thoughts?

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce [name]Leonie[/name]? I pronounce it as ‘[name]Lee[/name]-oh-nee.’ To me it’s the most natural pronunciation, and the one that I like best. [name]How[/name] about you?

Yes, I really like [name]LEE[/name]-OH-NEE!

I knew a [name]Leoni[/name] (lee-OH-nee) in school. I always thought it was a pretty and unusual name :slight_smile:

I’d say [name]Lee[/name]-oh-nee.

I like the lioness meaning, but like [name]Leonora[/name]/[name]Lenora[/name]/[name]Leontine[/name] more than [name]Leonie[/name]. [name]Just[/name] feel a bit more regal.

[name]Leonie[/name] is cute, though, don’t get me wrong.

[name]Leonie[/name] is hugely popular in Germany (where I’m from), along with other L and [name]Leo[/name]- names. The [name]German[/name] pronunciation is [name]LAY[/name]-oh-nee, but if I came across it in an English context, I’d pronounce it [name]Lee[/name]-oh-nee.

[name]Lee[/name]-OH-nee for me as well. I think it’s pretty and cute but grounded enough to work as an adult.

I know a 5 yr old [name]Leonie[/name] and it suits her perfectly, lovely name. [name]Unique[/name] but easy pronunciation for most.

i think [name]Leonie[/name] cute and different. It’s got an adorable, quirky vibe to it that i like.
but i do actually prefer the name [name]Lenora[/name].

I think it’s lovely. What would you pair it with?

I’d say [name]LE[/name]-o-nee. It’s a gorgeous name, I really like it!

I say the fronch prn which is more like “lay oh nee” , I only know French Léonie’s so it’s the most natural one for me and I consider it the correct one but I guess this name is either/or. It’s a lovely name!

It’s my daughter’s name!

[name]Lee[/name]-oh-nee. We call her [name]Leo[/name] sometimes & [name]Lenny[/name] too! We have had some pronunciation problems but not bad!

I say lee-OH-nee for [name]Leonie[/name]. It seems like the most intuitive way to say it. I love it. It reminds me of the word leonine wich reminds me of the name…you know what I mean? It feels sleek and beautiful and strong…like a lion. That’s just me though lol. Either way BEAUTIFUL name!

I say [name]Lay[/name]-o-nee (Léonie) because I speak French, but most English speakers would say [name]Lee[/name]-o-nee.

I’ve only heard it [name]LAY[/name]-o-nee, but I don’t personally like the name at all… I think its okay for a little kid and baby, but I couldn’t take a teenager or adult seriously with a name like that. [name]Just[/name] my opinion though! If you love it, go for it!