Your name: (Name is your choice, so is your gender)
Hair color:
5 or 6. Your choice
Eye color:
Your choice
Location (It doesn’t have to be in the city itself, just in the area) :
[name_u]Philadelphia[/name_u], PA or [name_u]New[/name_u] [name_u]Haven[/name_u], CT
[name_m]Orlando[/name_m], FL or [name_m]Richmond[/name_m], VA
Milwaukee, WI or Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, KS or [name_u]Dallas[/name_u], TX
[name_m]Portland[/name_m], OR or San [name_m]Francisco[/name_m], CA
[name_u]Denver[/name_u], CO or Salt [name_u]Lake[/name_u] City, UT
You have just graduated from college/university and are excited when you find a job in your desired field. Your choice of what you got your degree in and your career.
Not long after landing your dream job, you meet someone. He or she can either work in the same field as you or any other field of your choice.
His/her name: (Again, your choice. Same-Sex couples are allowed)
Hair color:
5 or 6. Your choice
Eye color:
Your choice
A year later, you and your partner get married. Wedding details and honeymoon destination are your choice. Soon after your honeymoon, you either find out you’re having your first child or decide to adopt.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] for gender:
Twins (even = girl, odd = boy)
5 or 6. Your choice
Child/Children’s name(s): (Your choice)
Hair color:
5 or 6. Your choice
Eye color:
Your choice
Your child/children is/are two years old. You decide to adopt a pet or multiple pets. Gender and name are your choice.
Hamster, gerbil, Guinea pig, or other rodent
Unusual pet like an alligator, fennec fox, etc…
Something awesome happens to your family.
[name_m]Job[/name_m] promotion
Inherit/win a large sum of money
[name_u]Win[/name_u] a huge prize in a contest (vacation, new house, etc…)
Meet someone famous
5 or 6. Your choice
Your child/children is/are now five and about to start Kindergarten. You’ve been trying to have another child for two years, but have been struggling. Then you find out you’re expecting again or are adopting (you can do either or both).
Child/Children’s name(s): (Your choice)
Hair color:
5 or 6. Your choice
Eye color:
Your choice
Your family has outgrown your house, so you either renovate or move.
If you decide to move, where do you find your new home:
Same city/town
Different city/town, but same state
Different state, same region
Different region/coast, same country
5 or 6. Your choice
A year later, your children are 6 and 1. You or your spouse lose a relative and take in that relative’s child/children to raise as your own. Number of kids and their ages are your choice.
1, 3, or 5 - Boy
2, 4, or 6 - Girl
Child/Children’s name(s): (Your choice)
Hair color:
5 or 6. Your choice
Eye color:
Your choice
Your family is very happy for the next four years, then someone is hospitalized.
Who, why, and for how long? (Your choice)
Your life eventually turns around again and four years later, the oldest child/children is/are about to start high school, but you want to take your family on vacation before the school year starts.
Where do you go:
The Caribbean
Australia/New Zealand
Disney World or any other theme park in the US.
Two years later, you find out you’re expecting. You hadn’t planned to have any more children, but you’re excited.
Your choice
Child/Children’s name(s): (Your choice)
Hair color:
5 or 6. Your choice
Eye color:
Your choice
Three years later, you adopt a new pet or as many pets as you want. Genders and names are your choice.
Hamster, gerbil, Guinea pig, or other rodent
Unusual pet like an alligator, fennec fox, etc…
Another 3 years later, your oldest child/children graduate(s) from college or university and get(s) his/her/their dream job(s), then meet(s) someone and get(s) married. Spouse(s) name(s) and other info are your choice.
Many years down the road, you are retired and are spending the rest of your life with your children, their spouses, and your grandchildren. The number of children in each couple’s family, as well as their names, genders, ages, and other details are your choice.