the year is 1940
add 10 years to everyone’s age
online number generator: Random Number Generator — Easy Number Picker
roll for the status of the existing relationship:
- one of the people in the relationship dies (even number - woman, odd number - man, and if you have an lgbt+ couple, you choose yourself)
- married or still married
- divorced or broken up
- married or still married
- married or still married
- married or still married
anyone over the age of 18 who is single can be in a relationship
roll for the new relationship:
- dating
- engaged
- married
- single
- married
- dating
roll for the number of new children:
- 2
- 4
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 2
roll for the ages of children (for women 20-22):
- 2
- 1
- infant
- 1
- 2
- infant
roll for the ages of children (for women 23-30):
- infant
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 5
roll for the ages of children (for women 31-45):
- infant
- 9
- 8
- 7
- 6
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 4
roll for the gender of children:
even number - girl
odd number - boy
generate the job:
if the work does not match the times, draw again
you can choose whether the woman will be a stay at home mom or roll for the job:
if this job did not exist or was not available to women at that time, draw again
roll for the first and middle names:
- disney names
- name from your favorite book
- a name that used to be one of your favorites but isn’t anymore
- honoring name, if you roll it for the new partner roll again
- name with your favorite color in its meaning
- five syllabes name
- names ending in a consonant
- five letter name
- name with your favorite color in its meaning
- hawaiian name
generate the last name: Last Names — A generated list of random family names
next parts coming soon
part 1: Lilac.fairy generation dice caf with rules and occupations #1 🌺
part 2: Lilac.fairy generation dice caf with rules and occupations #2 🌺
part 3: Lilac.fairy generation dice caf with rules and occupations #3 🌺
part 4: Lilac.fairy generation dice caf with rules and occupations #4 🌺