I think it’s both usable and rather overdone. I can see why though – it’s simple, pretty and has a long history but sounds current.
I absolutely love [name_f]Lily[/name_f]! [name_m]Even[/name_m] though it’s popular, if you love it, there’s no reason that you shouldn’t use it.
I’ve worked in a couple different Elementary schools, so I know several little [name_f]Lily[/name_f]’s, but I can see why it’s so popular. It’s a lovely name. I wouldn’t let popularity deter anyone from using the name they love. I love the name [name_u]Asher[/name_u] for a boy and it’s getting popular, but it’s still a great name. Use a name you love and sings to you!
If you love it than go for it! It’s a beautiful name