Limits to Replies/Posts on Topic/Thread

First I want to say ‘thank you mods!’, you are all doing a fantastic job replying to people and being understanding and open. My company is also going through some website updates at the moment and I know how long it takes to get everything right and support your users so THANK YOU!

I’m a frequent user of the ‘Baby Name Games’ forum and have been for 5 years now and am working on learning how to navigate the new layout.

There are a few threads/topics that are massively popular and have been circulating for years that are now locked due to reaching a limit on replies, such as ‘A brother or sister for little Jack or Olivia’, ‘If I had 8 daughters…’, etc.

However, ‘Baby a Day’ isn’t locked and is still able to be replied to with 3.4m posts!
EDIT: sorry, I was looking at views - ‘Baby a Day’ isn’t locked with 12.8k posts, whereas "If I had 8 daughters…’ is locked with 10.6k posts, for example.

I understand if your new platform has these limitations built-in, but if there’s any way to get around these or change them in the future that would be great.

Kia ora rawa atu, noho ora mai (Thanks heaps and stay well!)

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:heart: this! Thank you.

We are looking into this issue right now. I have put together a running list of topics that are closed and topics that aren’t, to see if there’s a pattern. We are also going to double-check the process to make sure that nothing has been lost due to an import error.

In the meantime, for any of the topics you loved, please feel free to create a new version. I’ve seen some Berries do this already with many of the popular topics.

Same to you!

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