Lincoln vs. Lachlan

[name]Lincoln[/name] vs. [name]Lachlan[/name]! Personal opinion: which would you choose? Thanks.

[name]Lachlan[/name], easily. Not a fan of surnames as names, in general, and [name]Lachlan[/name] is great. Very popular in Australia but it’s still a wonderful name.

I prefer [name]Lachlan[/name] to [name]Lincoln[/name], but I prefer the nn [name]Link[/name] to [name]Lock[/name] so for me it would depend on what you planned on calling him

I prefer [name]Lachlan[/name], I think.

For me [name]Lachlan[/name] is leagues beyond [name]Lincoln[/name] as a good baby name. [name]Lachlan[/name] is a solid name with a ‘worldly’ feel to it. Not common in the US (if that’s indeed where you reside), but recognized everywhere. [name]Lincoln[/name] on the other hand just doesn’t feel like a first name to me, and the fact that it’s raised from like #900 most popular to #178 in a relatively short span (and maybe still increasing), would make me afraid that it’s just another one of those ‘trendy-last-names-brought-to-the-first-name-position’ names. However, I do think [name]Lincoln[/name] could be a pretty amazing middle name (just not together with [name]Lachlan[/name]).

To me [name]Lachlan[/name] looks good on paper but doesn’t appeal when spoken. [name]Lincoln[/name] is a classic surname that has that ready-to-be-revived feel about it. I am not a fan of either name shortened to a nick name: “[name]Lock[/name]” or “[name]Link[/name]”.

I like both but prefer the way [name]Lincoln[/name] looks and sounds. Plus I love the nn [name]Link[/name].

Easy :slight_smile: [name]Lochlan[/name] is a name. [name]Lincoln[/name] is a place name/surname.

[name]Lincoln[/name] for sure, [name]Lachlan[/name] way more common.

[name]Lachlan[/name]. [name]Lincoln[/name] feels harsh and I don’t like [name]Linc[/name]. Plus it’s forever associated with [name]Abe[/name]; not terrible but I don’t like it.

I like [name]Lachlan[/name] more.
But still like [name]Lincoln[/name], just in the last name place.

I’ve always loved the name [name]Lincoln[/name], with the nn [name]Link[/name] and actually planned on using it for my son. Although, my husband and i are set on [name]Oliver[/name] now, maybe in the future we may have a baby [name]Lincoln[/name] as it’s still a favourite. I do like [name]Lachlan[/name], but nowhere near as much as i like [name]Lincoln[/name] :slight_smile:

I vote “[name]Lincoln[/name]” - great US President and historical character

[name]Lincoln[/name] without a doubt as it’s strong, historic, rare & has awesome nn [name]Link[/name].
[name]Lachlan[/name] sounds like it could easily be a name off of Toddlers & Tiaras…Lauklynne! I don’t think there’s any comparison

I much prefer [name]Lachlan[/name], though I don’t much like the natural nicknames for either ([name]Lock[/name] and [name]Linc[/name].) I quite like [name]Lanny[/name]/[name]Lenny[/name] as an alternative though.

I’d have to say [name]Lachlan[/name], since its on my list of boy names.

I like them both but I would have to choose [name]Lachlann[/name] :slight_smile: