
I am writing a story with a character named Lirana in it, and after looking it up here I discovered that Nameberry doesn’t have it! I guess maybe I was a little surprised because I (vaguely) know someone named Lirana, and I really like the name, I just haven’t seen it on here before.

What do you think of the name? I think it has lovely flow, but that may just be because I’m used to having heard it several times in my life and it sounds natural to me.

How is it pronounced? Personally, I really like it. It’s a really beautiful and interesting name, though I haven’t heard it before.

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Lirana is nice! It’s distinctive and lyrical

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Use it, then!

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Yay, thanks! It’s pronounced Lih-RAH-na.

If it’s said Lih-rah-na I think it’s a nice and sheek, use it!

[name_f]Edit[/name_f]: just saw it is said like that, lovely name :slight_smile:

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