I’ve posted a couple of times over the past few weeks about my dilemma. My husband and I just can’t seem to agree on a name: he really wants a junior, or, worst case scenario, a boy with his first name and a family middle name. My family doesn’t really do family names at all, so I’ve got nothing to propose and would rather just choose a middle name we both like. Oh, and our son will go by his middle name.
I’m going to try to chat with DH this weekend and give him a few ideas for names/ways we can compromise on a name. However, before we go into a long, laborious process of choosing a new middle name for the baby (I’ve been researching baby names for what seems like forever and really feel out of ideas!), or I have to give DH an ultimatum (“Sorry, you picked the first name, and I get to pick the middle name!”), OR we have to start completely from scratch, I thought I’d propose one last idea to DH.
What do you all think of [name]George[/name] [name]Julian[/name]?
The alliteration and the nickname “[name]Jules[/name]” bothered me a bit at first, but the alliteration is sort of starting to sound fabulous to me. I’m not a nickname person anyway and would probably always call him [name]Julian[/name] or by some sort of pet name/unrelated nickname. I can probably get over other people calling him [name]Jules[/name] if someone starts doing that. I just think that [name]Julian[/name] fits all DH’s and my name tastes perfectly and is so attractive! I don’t mind if some people think it’s a bit feminine; I don’t see that at all, and honestly, the fact that it’s not super-masculine make me like it.
Thanks in advance, everyone! I hope this one is a winner!
I like [name]George[/name] and I like [name]Julian[/name]… Im not bothered by [name]Jules[/name] as a nn… But to be honest Im not huge fan of the combo…I dont hate it but I dont love it…
Are you open to suggestions??? if so…
Maybe list some other names that either you or you husband like (even if you dont agree on them) so that people can get a better sense of your style and maybe make some suggestions!
I love the name [name]George[/name]! [name]One[/name] of my favs actually. I don’t like the combination of [name]George[/name] [name]Julian[/name]. Is [name]George[/name] your husband’s name? What is the middle? I like:
I like it, especially considering your husband’s very strict name criteria. The flow isn’t perfect but it isn’t terrible either and both names work individually. Really, we are seldom referred to by our full names, so while I think flow is important, it is really secondary to actually liking the name you’ll call him by.
This. And since his mn will effectively be his fn in everyday life, I think it’s more important that you [name]LOVE[/name] his mn instead of forcing it to flow perfectly with [name]George[/name].
Thank you all for your help! I feel so much better now. For those of who weren’t super keen on [name]George[/name] [name]Julian[/name], what do you think of–
I love [name]Julian[/name] [name]George[/name]! I was actually going to suggest it. That way you get the name you like up front, and still honor your husband. I just like the flow and appearance of [name]Julian[/name] [name]George[/name], too. Very handsome. I actually love [name]Jules[/name] as a nn for [name]Julian[/name], but the only [name]Julian[/name] I ever knew went by just [name]Julian[/name], so if that’s what you want, I think it’d work great. I think [name]Julian[/name] nn [name]Jude[/name] or [name]Julian[/name] nn [name]Ian[/name] is handsome, too.
I actually find [name]George[/name] [name]Julian[/name] kind of hard to pronounce because of the second g in [name]George[/name]. I agree with ashthedreamer; [name]Julian[/name] [name]George[/name] flows much better!