Long Name Game!

You are twenty-six years old and your name is (1) _____ _______ _______ (you can make it up if you want). You live in (2)___ (choose an option):
A) [name]Irving[/name], [name]Texas[/name].
B) [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].
C) Oakland, [name]California[/name].
D) Tampa, [name]Florida[/name].

You work as a (3)__________ (your dream job). [name]One[/name] day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as (4) ______ ______ _______ and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like (5)____ (choose an option):
A) Tumblr: Image
B) Tumblr: Image
C) Tumblr: Image
D) Tumblr: Image

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to (6)___ (choose an option):
A) [name]Vienna[/name], [name]Austria[/name].
B) Zurich, Switzerland.
C) Auckland, [name]New[/name] Zealand.
D) Munich, Germany.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? (7)_________ (choose an option):
A) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-2-ct-tw-princess-cut-14k-white-gold-080353117--1/100006/100006.100007.100010
B) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-ct-tw-round-cut-14k-white-gold-94020191499--1/100006/100006.100007.100010
C) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-10-ct-tw-round-cut-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010
D) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-5-ct-tw-diamonds-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in (8)________ (city, state, or country) on (9)____ __ (month, day). You honeymoon in (10)____ (choose an option):
A) Vancouver, [name]Canada[/name].
B) [name]Sydney[/name], Australia.
C) [name]Bern[/name], Switzerland.
D) Copenhagen, Denmark.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is (11) ________ ________ _______ (first, middle, last).

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is (12) _______ ________ ________.

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from (13)________ (your answer for number 10). You adopt a beautiful baby (14)_____ (boy or girl). The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is (15) __________ __________ __________.

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are (16) _______ ________ _______ and ________ _________ _______.

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in (18)___________.
A) [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name].
B) [name]Chandler[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].
C) [name]Reno[/name], [name]Nevada[/name].
D) Kansas City, [name]Missouri[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are (19)____ (choose an option):
A) O.C.
B) L.A.
C) R.K.
D) P.M.
Her name is (19)________ ________ __________.

Me: [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Dove[/name] http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzyayxSWQL1qzsjnuo1_500.png

Home: [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

[name]Job[/name]: [name]Baker[/name].

Husband: [name]Daniel[/name] [name]Jethro[/name] [name]Rainier[/name] http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me7ewviAQx1rhlkvuo1_500.jpg

[name]Trip[/name]: Auckland, [name]New[/name] Zealand.

[name]Ring[/name]: http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-10-ct-tw-round-cut-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010

Marriage: [name]Tucson[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

Date: [name]November[/name] 16.

Honeymoon: [name]Sydney[/name], Australia.

  1. [name]Jade[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] [name]Rainier[/name].

  2. [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Daniel[/name] [name]Rainier[/name].

Dad: [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Nairobi[/name] [name]Dove[/name].

  1. (Adopted-Australia) [name]Hope[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Rainier[/name].

  2. [name]Eva[/name] [name]Rosette[/name] [name]Rainier[/name].

  3. [name]Dahlia[/name] [name]Jane[/name] [name]Rainier[/name].

[name]New[/name] House: [name]Chandler[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

  1. [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Ann[/name] [name]Rainier[/name].

You are twenty-six years old and your name is (1) [name]Jena[/name] [name]Elise[/name] [name]Nash[/name]. You live in (2):
B) [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

You work as a (3) veterinarian. [name]One[/name] day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as (4) [name]Heath[/name] [name]Robert[/name] Honeycutt and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like (5):
A) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to (6):
B) Zurich, Switzerland.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? (7):
C) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in (8) Napa [name]Valley[/name], [name]CA[/name] on (9) [name]April[/name] 30th. You honeymoon in (10):
B) [name]Sydney[/name], Australia.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is (11) [name]Norah[/name] [name]Piper[/name] Honeycutt.

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is (12) [name]Jameson[/name] [name]Heath[/name] Honeycutt.

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from (13) Australia. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is (15) [name]Grace[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] Honeycutt.

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are (16) [name]Jolie[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] and [name]Harper[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Honeycutt.

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in (18):
A) [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are (19):
A) O.C.
B) L.A.
C) R.K.
D) P.M.
Her name is (19) [name]Presley[/name] [name]Madden[/name] Honeycutt.

  1. My name is [name]Katie[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Reinhart[/name].
  2. I live in Oakland, [name]California[/name].
  3. I work as a museum curator.
  4. The man’s name is [name]Michael[/name] [name]Park[/name] Yang.
  5. He looks like: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmi3vc3SCN1qkdloho1_500.jpg
  6. After 6 months of dating, he surprises me with a trip to Auckland, [name]New[/name] Zealand.
  7. On the last day of vacation, he surprises me with a ring that looks like: http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-2-ct-tw-princess-cut-14k-white-gold-080353117--1/100006/100006.100007.100010
    8, 9. We get married in [name]California[/name] on [name]October[/name] 12th.
  8. We honeymoon in [name]Sydney[/name], Australia.
  9. We have a daughter (honeymoon baby) and name her [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Plum[/name] Yang.
  10. 4 years later, we have a son. We name him [name]James[/name] [name]Park[/name] Yang.
  11. 3 years later, we decide to adopt a baby from Australia.
    14, 15. We adopt a baby boy. His name is [name]Wiley[/name] [name]Jack[/name] Yang.
  12. 2 years pass and we fall pregnant with identical twin girls. Their names are [name]Kitty[/name] [name]Gabriella[/name] and [name]Mabel[/name] [name]Patricia[/name] Yang.
  13. Our house is getting cramped, so we move into a new house in [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name].
  14. [name]One[/name] year later, we fall pregnant one last time with a girl. Her initials are O.C.
  15. Her name is [name]Olive[/name] [name]Cordelia[/name] Yang.

[name]Katie[/name] and [name]Mike[/name] with:
[name]Addie[/name], [name]James[/name], [name]Wiley[/name], [name]Kitty[/name], [name]Mae[/name], and [name]Olive[/name].

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name]Leah[/name] [name]Noelle[/name] [name]Garner[/name]. You live in Oakland, [name]California[/name].

You work as a local news anchor. [name]One[/name] day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name]Miles[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] [name]Drake[/name] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like:
A) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to Munich, Germany.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like?
C) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in Oakland on [name]April[/name] 13th. You honeymoon in [name]Sydney[/name], Australia.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is [name]Alice[/name] [name]Camellia[/name] [name]Drake[/name].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is [name]Henry[/name] [name]Miles[/name] [name]Drake[/name].

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from [name]Sydney[/name], Australia. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. Her name is [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Willow[/name] [name]Drake[/name].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are [name]Lila[/name] [name]Natalie[/name] [name]Drake[/name] and [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Tabitha[/name] [name]Drake[/name].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in Kansas City, [name]Missouri[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are O.C. Her name is [name]Olive[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Drake[/name].

[name]Miles[/name] and [name]Leah[/name] [name]Drake[/name] with their children [name]Alice[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Felicity[/name], [name]Lila[/name], [name]Maisie[/name], and [name]Olive[/name]

You are twenty-six years old and your name is (1) [name]Jillian[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Benson[/name]. You live in (2)___ (choose an option):
C) Oakland, [name]California[/name].

You work as a (3) novelist. [name]One[/name] day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as (4) [name]Jeremy[/name] [name]Malcolm[/name] Danvers and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like (5)____ (choose an option):
A) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to (6)___ (choose an option):
C) Auckland, [name]New[/name] Zealand.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? (7)_________ (choose an option):
B) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in (8) Los [name]Angeles[/name] on (9) [name]April[/name] 12th. You honeymoon in (10)____ (choose an option):
A) Vancouver, [name]Canada[/name].

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is (11) [name]Celia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Danvers.

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is (12) [name]Jonathon[/name] [name]Jeremy[/name] Danvers.

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from (13) [name]Canada[/name]. You adopt a beautiful baby (14) boy. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is (15) [name]Sage[/name] [name]Logan[/name] Danvers.

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are (16) [name]Juliette[/name] [name]Eden[/name] Danvers and [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Melody[/name] Danvers.

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in (18)___________.
A) [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are (19)____ (choose an option):
A) O.C.
Her name is (19) [name]Octavia[/name] [name]Claire[/name] Danvers.

  1. [name]Lily[/name] [name]Claire[/name] [name]Carson[/name]
  2. Oakland, [name]California[/name]
  3. Journalist
  4. [name]George[/name] [name]Henry[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
  5. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmi3vc3SCN1qkdloho1_500.jpg
  6. Munich, Germany
  7. http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-10-ct-tw-round-cut-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010
  8. Vancouver, [name]Canada[/name]
  9. [name]May[/name] 17th
  10. [name]Sydney[/name], Australia
  11. [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
  12. [name]George[/name] [name]Henry[/name] [name]Thompson[/name] [name]Jr[/name]. “[name]Georgie[/name]”
  13. [name]Sydney[/name], Australia
  14. Girl
  15. [name]Hope[/name] [name]Natalie[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
    16 and 17. [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Thompson[/name] and [name]Gabriela[/name] [name]Haley[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]
  16. [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name]
  17. [name]Rose[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]

[name]Lily[/name] and [name]George[/name] have [name]Beatrice[/name], [name]Georgie[/name], [name]Hope[/name], [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Gabriela[/name] and [name]Rose[/name]

  1. [name]Brianna[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]Johnson[/name]
  2. D. Tampa, [name]Florida[/name]
  3. Kindergarten teacher (although, I’d never teach in [name]Florida[/name]…)
  4. [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Foster[/name]
  5. A. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9rq5rfCl61qd9lgao1_500.jpg
  6. D. Munich, Germany
  7. D. http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement—wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-5-ct-tw-diamonds-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010
  8. [name]Orlando[/name], [name]Florida[/name], USA
  9. [name]December[/name] 6th
  10. C. [name]Bern[/name], Switzerland
  11. [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Foster[/name]
  12. [name]Bryan[/name] [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Foster[/name]
  13. Switzerland
  14. boy
  15. [name]Chance[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Foster[/name] (http://www.babynamefacts.com/popularnames/countries.php?country=SWZ#.USU1aFe86Hg)
  16. [name]Brylee[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]Foster[/name]
  17. [name]Noelle[/name] [name]Jordyn[/name] [name]Foster[/name]
  18. A. [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name]. (much better for teaching haha)
  19. D. P.M. [name]Piper[/name] [name]Mackenzie[/name] [name]Foster[/name]

[name]Brianna[/name] [name]Marie[/name] and [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Foster[/name]
[name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Rose[/name], [name]Bryan[/name] [name]Nicholas[/name], [name]Chance[/name] [name]Samuel[/name], [name]Brylee[/name] [name]Marie[/name], [name]Noelle[/name] [name]Jordyn[/name], and [name]Piper[/name] [name]McKenzie[/name] [name]Foster[/name].

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name]Adele[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Parker[/name]. You live in Oakland, [name]California[/name].

You work as a environmental scientist. [name]One[/name] day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name]Bennett[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] Mumford and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like:

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to Zurich, Switzerland.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in [name]New[/name] Zealand on [name]October[/name] 21st. You honeymoon in [name]Bern[/name], Switzerland.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Violet[/name] Mumford.

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name is [name]Silas[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] Mumford.

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from Switzerland. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. Her name is [name]Verity[/name] [name]Linnea[/name] Mumford.

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their names are [name]Anais[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] Mumford and [name]Briony[/name] [name]Scarlet[/name] Mumford.

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in [name]Winston[/name]-[name]Salem[/name], [name]North[/name] [name]Carolina[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her name is [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] Mumford.

The Mumford family:

DW: [name]Adele[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] Mumford (née [name]Parker[/name])
DH: [name]Bennett[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] Mumford

DD: [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Violet[/name] Mumford
DS: [name]Silas[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] Mumford
DD: [name]Verity[/name] [name]Linnea[/name] Mumford
DD/DD: [name]Anais[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] Mumford / [name]Briony[/name] [name]Scarlet[/name] Mumford
DD: [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] Mumford

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name]Rowena[/name] [name]Lily[/name] [name]Black[/name]. You live in [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

You work as a psychologist. [name]One[/name]
day during a storm, a man shows up at your
doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces
himself as [name]August[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Winters[/name] and asks to use
your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let
him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to
know more about him. He looks like: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9rq5rfCl61qd9lgao1_500.jpg

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next
day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you
date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to [name]Vienna[/name], [name]Austria[/name].

On the last day of your vacation, he has another
surprise for you just before you board the plane
home– a diamond ring! The ring: http://m.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-10-ct-tw-round-cut-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married
in [name]Italy[/name] on [name]October[/name] 8. You honeymoon in [name]Sydney[/name], Australia.

After you get home, you discover that you are
pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely
baby girl. Her name is [name]Astrid[/name] [name]Lily[/name] [name]Winters[/name].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another
baby in the house. You and your husband give in
and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby
boy! Your baby boy is [name]Elliot[/name] [name]August[/name] [name]Winters[/name].

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it
gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and
you agree to adopt a baby from Australia. You adopt a beautiful baby
girl. The first name has to be a
virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s
native country. His or her name is [name]Verity[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Winters[/name].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This
time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours
and your husband’s. Their names are [name]Romilly[/name] [name]Lux[/name] and [name]Aurelia[/name] [name]Nyx[/name].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into
a new house in [name]Reno[/name], [name]Nevada[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time,
with a little girl. Her name is [name]Phoebe[/name] [name]Magdalene[/name] [name]Winters[/name].

The [name]Winters[/name]: [name]Rowena[/name] [name]Lily[/name] and [name]August[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name] and: [name]Astrid[/name] [name]Lily[/name], [name]Elliot[/name] [name]August[/name], [name]Verity[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Romilly[/name] [name]Lux[/name], [name]Aurelia[/name] [name]Nyx[/name], and [name]Phoebe[/name] [name]Magdalene[/name]

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name]Ava[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] Wilkins. You live in [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

You work as a photographer. [name]One[/name] day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name]Shane[/name] [name]Davis[/name] [name]Carter[/name] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He is tall with short red hair.

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to Auckland, [name]New[/name] Zealand.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring!
It’s 1/10 ct tw Round-cut 10K White [name]Gold[/name] and its beautiful.

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in [name]Sedona[/name] on [name]October[/name] 14th. You honeymoon in [name]Bern[/name], Switzerland.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her name is [name]Molly[/name] [name]Brooke[/name] [name]Carter[/name].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! You name him [name]Liam[/name] [name]Davis[/name] [name]Carter[/name].

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from Switzerland. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. Her name is [name]Grace[/name] [name]Nina[/name] [name]Carter[/name].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their names are [name]Alana[/name] [name]Claire[/name] [name]Carter[/name] & [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Danielle[/name] [name]Carter[/name].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in [name]Chandler[/name], [name]Arizona[/name].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. You name her [name]Lila[/name] [name]Aubrey[/name] [name]Carter[/name].

Me: [name_f]Tessa[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] “[name_f]Tessie[/name_f]” [name_u]Ellis[/name_u].
Boyfriend: [name_m]David[/name_m] [name_u]James[/name_u] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].

  1. [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].
  2. [name_u]Bailey[/name_u] [name_u]James[/name_u] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].
  3. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] [name_f]Sabah[/name_f] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].
  4. [name_f]Theresa[/name_f] [name_f]Mia[/name_f] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].
  5. [name_u]Darby[/name_u] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].
  6. [name_f]Lolita[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f] [name_u]Howard[/name_u].

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name_f]Claire[/name_f] [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] [name_u]Sullivan[/name_u]. You live in Oakland, [name_u]California[/name_u].

You work as a Wedding dress designer. One day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name_m]Troy[/name_m] [name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like handsome with dark brown hair and royal blue eyes:
A) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to Auckland, [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring!
What does the ring look like?
C) http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in [name_f]Florida[/name_f] on 12th [name_u]June[/name_u]. You honeymoon in [name_u]Sydney[/name_u], Australia.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is [name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] [name_m]Edward[/name_m] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m]

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from Australia. You adopt a beautiful baby boy. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is [name_m]Valor[/name_m] [name_m]Jack[/name_m] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are [name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Louise[/name_f] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m] and [name_u]Teagan[/name_u] [name_f]Natalie[/name_f] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in [name_m]Winston[/name_m]-[name_u]Salem[/name_u], [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_f]Carolina[/name_f].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl.
Her name is [name_f]Lydia[/name_f] [name_f]Amalie[/name_f] [name_m]Bennet[/name_m].

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name_f]Rose[/name_f] [name_f]Esme[/name_f] [name_u]Walker[/name_u]. You live in [name_m]Irving[/name_m], [name_u]Texas[/name_u].

You work as a author. One day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] [name_m]Jackson[/name_m] [name_m]Evans[/name_m] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to Auckland, [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in [name_m]Irving[/name_m] on 9th [name_u]June[/name_u]. You honeymoon in Copenhagen, Denmark.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] [name_u]River[/name_u] [name_m]Evans[/name_m].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is [name_u]Michael[/name_u] [name_m]Matteo[/name_m].

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from Copenhagen. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is [name_f]Amity[/name_f] [name_f]Xandra[/name_f] [name_m]Evans[/name_m].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are [name_f]Romana[/name_f] [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] [name_m]Evans[/name_m] and Merwen [name_u]Juniper[/name_u] [name_m]Evans[/name_m].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in [name_m]Winston[/name_m]-[name_u]Salem[/name_u], [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_f]Carolina[/name_f].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are P.M.
Her name is [name_f]Paloma[/name_f] [name_f]Margot[/name_f] [name_m]Evans[/name_m].

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f] [name_m]Tripp[/name_m]. You live in Oakland, [name_u]California[/name_u].
You work as an author. One day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name_m]Adam[/name_m] [name_m]Miles[/name_m] [name_m]Waldon[/name_m] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg
Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to Auckland, [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand.
On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engag....100007.100010
After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in Oakland, [name_u]California[/name_u] on the 1st of [name_f]July[/name_f]. You honeymoon in [name_u]Sydney[/name_u], Australia.
After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is [name_f]Alexandra[/name_f] [name_f]Bryony[/name_f] [name_m]Waldon[/name_m].
4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after your father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] [name_m]Adam[/name_m] [name_m]Waldon[/name_m].
3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from Australia. You adopt a beautiful baby boy. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is [name_m]Bravery[/name_m] [name_u]Sydney[/name_u] [name_m]Waldon[/name_m].
2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are [name_f]Ramona[/name_f] [name_f]Summer[/name_f] and [name_f]Arianna[/name_f] [name_f]Margot[/name_f] [name_m]Waldon[/name_m].
You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in [name_m]Winston[/name_m]-[name_u]Salem[/name_u], [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_f]Carolina[/name_f].
Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are L.A, making her name [name_f]Luna[/name_f] [name_f]Antonia[/name_f] [name_m]Waldon[/name_m].

Rach (41) and [name_m]Adam[/name_m] (40) with: [name_u]Allie[/name_u] (13), [name_u]Drew[/name_u] (9), Brave (6), [name_f]Mona[/name_f] & [name_f]Annie[/name_f] (3), and [name_f]Luna[/name_f] (1).

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] [name_f]Ruth[/name_f] [name_u]Gardner[/name_u]. You live in Tampa, [name_f]Florida[/name_f].

You work as a singer. One day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] [name_f]Bao[/name_f] Song and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm...dloho1_500.jpg.

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to [name_f]Vienna[/name_f], [name_f]Austria[/name_f]!

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like?: http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-2-ct-tw-princess-cut-14k-white-gold-080353117--1/100006/100006.100007.100010

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in [name_f]Miami[/name_f], [name_f]Florida[/name_f] on [name_u]June[/name_u] 10th. You honeymoon in Copenhagen, Denmark.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is [name_f]Louisa[/name_f] [name_f]Bryony[/name_f] Song.

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is [name_m]Abram[/name_m] [name_m]Gideon[/name_m] Song.

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from Denmark. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. Her name is [name_f]Verity[/name_f] [name_f]Helena[/name_f] Song.

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are [name_f]Elsa[/name_f] [name_f]Rosalind[/name_f] Song and [name_f]Greta[/name_f] [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] Song.

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in [name_m]Winston[/name_m]-[name_u]Salem[/name_u], [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_f]Carolina[/name_f].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are O.C. Her name is [name_f]Odessa[/name_f] [name_f]Cecily[/name_f] Song.

~ [name_f]Lulu[/name_f], [name_m]Bram[/name_m], [name_f]Vera[/name_f], [name_f]Elsie[/name_f], Etsie, & [name_u]Dessie[/name_u] ~

  1. [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] [name_f]Claire[/name_f] Rosewell
  2. Oakland, [name_u]California[/name_u]
  3. High school teacher
  4. [name_m]Adam[/name_m] [name_m]Henry[/name_m] Blackwood
  5. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mch0bkuUWL1rjns7do1_500.jpg
  6. Aukland, [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand
  7. http://www.kay.com/en/kaystore/engagement---wedding/diamond-engagement-ring-1-10-ct-tw-round-cut-10k-white-gold/100006/100006.100007.100010
  8. San [name_m]Francisco[/name_m], [name_u]California[/name_u]
  9. [name_u]June[/name_u] 17
  10. [name_u]Bern[/name_u], Switzerland
  11. [name_f]Willow[/name_f] [name_u]Sage[/name_u] Rosewell-Blackwood
  12. [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] [name_m]Adam[/name_m] Rosewell-Blackwood
  13. Switzerland
  14. Girl
  15. [name_f]Cadence[/name_f] [name_f]Adriana[/name_f] Rosewell-Blackwood
  16. [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] Rosewell-Blackwood
  17. [name_f]Anna[/name_f] [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] Rosewell-Blackwood
  18. [name_m]Winston[/name_m]-[name_u]Salem[/name_u], [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_f]Carolina[/name_f]
  19. [name_f]Rose[/name_f] [name_f]Katharine[/name_f] Rosewell-Blackwood

DW: [name_f]Penelope[/name_f]

DH: [name_m]Adam[/name_m]

DD: [name_f]Willow[/name_f] [10]

DS: [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] [6]

DD: [name_f]Cadence[/name_f] [3]

DD/DD: [name_f]Poppy[/name_f]/[name_f]Anna[/name_f] [2]

DD: [name_f]Rose[/name_f] [nb]

You are twenty-six years old and your name is [name_u]Cassidy[/name_u] [name_f]Grace[/name_f] Matthiasen. You live in [name_u]Phoenix[/name_u], [name_f]Arizona[/name_f].

You work as an [name_m]Author[/name_m]. One day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] [name_u]Ryan[/name_u] [name_m]Crawford[/name_m] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9...9lgao1_500.jpg.

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to [name_f]Vienna[/name_f], [name_f]Austria[/name_f].

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like?

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in [name_m]Hawaii[/name_m] on [name_f]April[/name_f] 15. You honeymoon in [name_u]Sydney[/name_u], Australia.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is [name_f]Maisie[/name_f] [name_f]Violet[/name_f] [name_m]Crawford[/name_m].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is [name_m]Caleb[/name_m] [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m] [name_m]Crawford[/name_m].

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from [name_u]Sydney[/name_u]. You adopt a beautiful baby girl. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is [name_f]Hope[/name_f] Allora [name_m]Crawford[/name_m].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are [name_f]Cecelia[/name_f] [name_f]Giselle[/name_f] [name_m]Crawford[/name_m] and [name_u]Julianne[/name_u] [name_u]Riley[/name_u] [name_m]Crawford[/name_m].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in Kansas City, [name_f]Missouri[/name_f].

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are P.M.
Her name is [name_u]Piper[/name_u] [name_u]Madison[/name_u] [name_m]Crawford[/name_m].

[name_u]Cassidy[/name_u] + [name_m]Jonathan[/name_m]
[name_f]Maisie[/name_f], [name_m]Caleb[/name_m], [name_f]Hope[/name_f], [name_f]Cecelia[/name_f], [name_u]Julianne[/name_u], and [name_u]Piper[/name_u]

You are twenty-six years old and your name is (1) [name_u]Bailey[/name_u] [name_f]Sarah[/name_f] Shoure. You live in (2) Oakland, California.

You work as a (3) psychologist. One day during a storm, a man shows up at your doorstep, looking cold and drenched. He introduces himself as (4) [name_u]Noah[/name_u] [name_u]Owen[/name_u] [name_m]Davis[/name_m] and asks to use your phone. Thinking that he’s rather cute, you let him inside. While he waits for his ride, you get to know more about him. He looks like (5) Option A.

Before he leaves, he asks you to coffee the next day. You agree, and the date goes well. After you date for 6 months, he surprises you with a trip to (6) Auckland, New Zealand.

On the last day of your vacation, he has another surprise for you just before you board the plane home– a diamond ring! What does the ring look like? (7) Option B.

After 8 months of planning, you finally get married in (8) [name_m]Dublin[/name_m], [name_f]Ireland[/name_f]. on (9)[name_u]June[/name_u] 21. You honeymoon in (10) Sydney, Australia.

After you get home, you discover that you are pregnant! 9 months later, you give birth to a lovely baby girl. Her first name is all yours, but her middle name has to be nature-related. Her name is (11) [name_f]Lux[/name_f] [name_u]Sloane[/name_u] [name_m]Davis[/name_m].

4 years later, your daughter is begging for another baby in the house. You and your husband give in and you are pregnant again, this time with a baby boy! His first name must be after father, the middle after your husband. Your baby boy is (12) [name_u]Brady[/name_u] [name_u]Noah[/name_u] [name_m]Davis[/name_m].

3 years later, you read an article on adoption and it gets you thinking. You talk to your husband and you agree to adopt a baby from (13) [name_u]Sydney[/name_u], Aus… You adopt a beautiful baby (14) girl. The first name has to be a virtue name, the middle name is from the child’s native country. His or her name is (15) Elegance [name_u]Sydney[/name_u] [name_m]Davis[/name_m].

2 years pass and you are pregnant–again! This time with identical girls. Their initials must be yours and your husband’s. Their names are (16) [name_f]Brandy[/name_f] [name_f]Savina[/name_f] [name_m]Davis[/name_m] and [name_f]Nicole[/name_f] Oriah [name_m]Davis[/name_m].

You feel that your house is cramped and move into a new house in (18) Reno, Nevada.

Only a year later, you are pregnant one last time, with a little girl. Her initials are (19) P.M.

Her name is (19) [name_f]Pandora[/name_f] [name_f]Marissa[/name_f] [name_m]Davis[/name_m].

Me: [name_f]Veronica[/name_f] [name_f]Blanche[/name_f] [name_u]Marley[/name_u].
Boyfriend: [name_m]Eli[/name_m] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] Rapaport.

  1. [name_f]Charlize[/name_f] [name_u]Robin[/name_u] Rapaport.
  2. [name_m]Jasper[/name_m] [name_m]Eli[/name_m] Rapaport.
  3. (A) [name_f]Grace[/name_f] [name_f]Etude[/name_f] Rapaport.
  4. [name_f]Victoria[/name_f] [name_u]Blake[/name_u] Rapaport.
  5. [name_f]Emma[/name_f] [name_f]Ariadne[/name_f] Rapaport.
  6. [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Carmelle[/name_f] Rapaport.