I have been loving the name [name]Cara[/name] lately. I think it’s spunky, sweet, and as a bonus means “beloved; friend”.
I’d like to see what longer names it could be taken from. I have heard of a Carrigan and I think that’s pretty neat, also [name]Carabel[/name]/[name]Carabelle[/name] but I worry that one may sound a bit too southern.
I think [name]Cara[/name] is a fairly common nn for [name]Caroline[/name]/[name]Carolina[/name]. I’ve also heard someone consider it for [name]Carys[/name]. Other than that, I can’t really think of anything…
I’ve heard [name]Cara[/name] as a nickname for [name]Caroline[/name] (as ashthedreamer said), also for [name]Carson[/name], [name]Carissa[/name], [name]Carlotta[/name], and [name]Cassandra[/name]. I grew up with a [name]Carolann[/name] who was called [name]Cara[/name].
Good luck.
I know several girls that are just named [name]Cara[/name]/[name]Kara[/name]; I like it on its own. But I think [name]Carina[/name], [name]Carine[/name], [name]Caralie[/name], [name]Caralia[/name], Caralina, [name]Caranda[/name], [name]Carrie[/name] are good long forms too. My favorite is [name]Carina[/name]
I [name]LOVE[/name] Carrigan, I prefer the more traditional [name]Kerrigan[/name] spelling though. [name]Carabel[/name] is sounds a little too much like caramel to me. I second [name]Ash[/name]'s suggestion of [name]Caroline[/name]! I think [name]Caroline[/name] NN [name]Cara[/name] is lovely
love the meaning you found for [name]Cara[/name]. When I searched I just found it meaning “dear.” I much prefer the meaning beloved. Where did you find that meaning? [name]Carolina[/name] is on our list and I like [name]Cara[/name] for a nn.
I like [name]Kerrigan[/name] as well, but have a weird aversion to most “K” names. And if the nn [name]Cara[/name] was what she went by, I prefer [name]Cara[/name] to [name]Kara[/name]. [name]Will[/name] have to think about [name]Kerrigan[/name] though…
I love [name]Carys[/name] and [name]Cassandra[/name] for the nn [name]Cara[/name], but I also love [name]Cara[/name] just by itself. Also, a little girl at my daycare is [name]Caroline[/name] and she wants to go by [name]Cara[/name], so that could work.
Other names that [name]Cara[/name] could work for:
I know a little girl who goes by the name [name]Cara[/name] (though it’s sometimes pronounced with short/no real emphasis on either syllable as opposed to CAR-ra, hard to explain) as it’s short for Carradine (sort of pronounced ca-ra-deen) she’s a really sweet girl and I’ve never heard her name before but it’s beautiful and it suits her definitely to be unique but not completely unfamiliar to my ear
I love [name]Cassandra[/name] and [name]Caroline[/name] nn [name]Cara[/name]. [name]Charlotte[/name]/[name]Carlotta[/name] could also work, and [name]Carina[/name] is pretty. If you’re willing to make a big stretch then [name]Catherine[/name] or even [name]Cordelia[/name] might be feasible. [name]Cara[/name] is beautiful by the way.