I would really love to use Chezele for my middle name if i have a baby girl but i cant seem to find a name to go infront of it. My problem is that i would like the name to be unique and something not very popular. I also want it to go well with my last name which is Hattebuhr so it would be (NAME) Chezele Hattebuhr. Please help! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
[name]Harlow[/name] Chezele Hattebuhr- I dont like the way [name]Harlow[/name] Hattebuhr sounds together when you dont say it with the middle name.
[name]Emilie[/name] Chezele Hattebuhr- This one is one of my favorites that you suggested.
[name]Peyton[/name] Chezele Hattebuhr- This is also one of my favorites.
[name]Alexis[/name] or [name]Alexa[/name] Chezele Hattebuhr- Cant use either one my cousin just had an alexis but i do like it with hattebuhr.
[name]Mikayla[/name] Chezele Hattebuhr- also have a cousin with a mikayla.
[name]Islay[/name] Chezele Hattebuhr- I would probably change the spelling of it if i were to use it, I am still not sure how i feel about the name though.
Thank you bebe for the suggestions, they were all great now i just have to get them past my husband, we cant seem to agree on a name this time and we had such an easy time with our sons name when we had him but we had also found out the sex with our son and decided to leave this one a surprise. But if there is anyone else with suggestions i would still love to hear some more options. I have found that over the last few months i have loooked at so many baby girl names that i feel like i am out of options and everything is starting to sound the same to me. It is just so hard to pick a name becuase you want it to be the right one since your child has it for the rest of there life. Thank you once again and i hope to hear more!
The name Chezele is my mothers middle name and i do love [name]Giselle[/name] as well because that is my grandmothers first name. I thought once to go with [name]Giselle[/name] as a first name and use [name]Elizabeth[/name] for the middle name because that is my middle name, but my husband didnt like it. I also really love [name]Elizabeth[/name] Chezele but dont like the nickname liz or lizzie.
Names like [name]Gabrielle[/name] and or names that end in ella i was drawn to the beginning of my name search but my husband doesnt seem to like any of them. You had even mentioned [name]Genevive[/name]… i am really drawn to names like thay but my husband thinks that they are to old sounding.
My favorite out of all the names you suggested was [name]Aurora[/name]. If i had my way it would be one of the top names on the list but once again i have another dilema. I had picked a boy name and remembered after that when i was growing up my sister had picked names and the name i had chosen was one of her names. I asked her if it was okay to use the name and she said that she still wanted to use it. I have decided to go with another name because i would hate for her to take one of mine in the same situation. But anyway she has also picked Alora for a girl name and so to me they are different names but they are still to simillar that i wouldnt use it.
I love all the names that you suggested but another problem i have with some of them is that my sons name is [name]Tristan[/name] and there are a few there that i dont think really go well with his name and i think that it is important that the names go well together.
thank you once again for your suggestions there are a few there for sure that i will keep in mind and mention to my husband. It would make it easier if i didnt have to talk it over with my husband and could just pick the name!!!