Looking for a Unique name with a Religious Meaning

[name]Faith[/name] is a classic.

[name]Anina[/name]. Aramaic for “[name]Answer[/name] my prayer”

[name]Selah[/name]- a musical term used in the Psalms meaning “pause and reflect on what the [name]LORD[/name] has done”

  • particularly pretty when pronounced [[name]SAY[/name]-lah]

[name]Charis[/name]- “grace” in Greek

[name]Rachel[/name]/[name]Raquel[/name]- “innocent lamb” (obvious connection to [name]Jesus[/name] as the sinless sacrifice for our sins)

[name]Raegan[/name]- “spiritual authority”

[name]Lani[/name]- “bright shining one” or “heavenly”

[name]Alana[/name]- “rock” or “outpouring” (a meaningful double meaning with connection to the rock that [name]Moses[/name] struck for the water to outpour)

[name]Mariah[/name]- “the [name]LORD[/name] is my teacher”

[name]Shiloh[/name]- “His gift”

Hosanna- “deliver us”

[name]Abigail[/name]- “my Father rejoices”

[name]Amaris[/name]- “given by God”

[name]Analise[/name]- “grace” or “devoted to God”

[name]Atalia[/name]- “the [name]LORD[/name] is mighty”

[name]Nora[/name]- “light”

Makiya- “who is like YAHWEH”

[name]Imani[/name]- “faith”