Looking for recommendations for a car seat and baby carrier. This is my first baby so I have no idea what to look for. Please leave some suggestions for me. Thanks, [name_f]Amber[/name_f]
I used Graco Snugride Snuglock with mine and I liked them. They have click-connect that fits with most Graco strollers and makes it easy to move baby from the car to the stroller and back.
sounds great I’ll checks it out!
We’re really happy with the Graco Modes stroller. Has an infant car seat system, stroller frame to fit, and a stroller seat which can transition from bassinet to regular stroller seat. Huge basket, easy to maneuver. [name_m]Can[/name_m] be easily used 10 different ways, so simple. Got it with my 4th kid.
For a baby carrier my kids really liked the baby K’htan and the ergo baby 360. Both super easy to carry baby and easy to put on by yourself!
We used britax infant seat and now use britax convertible seat. I’ve loved britax so far and they are american made!
For a wrap carrier I recommend the [name_m]Solly[/name_m] wrap - I used that almost every day in the first few months!
There is a website run by car seat technicians that I’ve turned to throughout the years. It’s called carseatblog.com. They rank the top car seats out there and really look in-depth at the safety features of different seats. I don’t have a travel system however my infant seat for now gonna be three babies has been The Safety 1st On Board 35 [name_u]Infant[/name_u] [name_f]Air[/name_f]; my convertible if choice is the [name_u]Maxi[/name_u] Cosi Pria 85 - just bought a second one this week actually. I prefer that one as it’s rated one of the top for extended rear facing.
Not much of a baby wearer as much as I wish I was but I do have a lillellebaby all seasons which is great for out of the house use. For this third I’m looking into a K’[name_m]Tan[/name_m] for around the house.
@whatchamacalli Finally somebody with some Graco Snugride experience. [name_m]Can[/name_m] you share? are you happy with it? Would you recommend it? sorry for being off topic
I’ve been hunting for a good car seat for weeks now. I wouldn’t have guessed that it such a tedious job. After being disappointed with the negative reviews on amazon. I checked out some online blog reviews. Well I got my ear full of features and hype. So there wasn’t any useful in them what so ever. After a bunch of surfing I came across a different blog. These guys actually have tested the car seats. After I’ve read the graco snugride review I’ve added it to my short list. What do you say is it worth it? Any pointer is helpful.
We bought them for our twins. They outgrew them quite a while ago now but I went on to buy another Graco car seat that will grow with them until they’re 10.
I don’t regret the Snugride Snuglock purchase at all. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though they grow out of it at around 9 months it’s still very worth it for the convenience. We had a Graco stroller at the time and I was able to take the car seats out of the car and simply click them into place in the stroller and back into the car very easily.
If you get the DLX version it has more head support. We had one Snugride Snuglock 35 regular and one 35 DLX and honestly never had a problem with either of them. But if head support is a concern then DLX is a bit better.
We now have the Graco 4ever DLX 4 in 1 car seat and I really love this one too. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though it can work for smaller infants it’s not as convenient because you can’t carry it around so I’m glad we waited until they were older to get it.
Theres many great websites to help you weed though reviews and crash test ratings. I will say, I highly recommend getting an infant car seat and then a convertible seat rather than getting an all in one. Some of the sites I’d recommend are baby gear lab,car seat blog and the car seat lady. Other things to consider are the size of your vehicle, wether or not you may have to fit 3 seats across in the future. Some seats would allow this, some are too wide. Wether or not you will be transferring the seat from car to car alot. Some are much easier to do this, some take forever. The ratings also look at ease of installing. Personally, we had some issues with my inlaws being able to install the seat correctly…anyone who will be buckling your baby in should know the right way for safety. I assumed my inlaws did and found out one day they had been doing it wrong for weeks. There are many you tube videos to help you learn installing and buckling the right way. Best of luck! Oh, personally I love britax brand seats. We used the infant seat and now a convertible for my 3 year old. I plan on using another infant britax for baby #2 on the way. The clicktight models are so easy to install,great safety ratings and are made in the USA.