Snooki named her baby [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] yesterday! I was a little concerned with what she might come up with for a name but I love this one!
Wow, spread the news! Finally, a reality star/celebrity that chooses a surprisingly good baby name for a change! I like it. reports: “The world just got another [name]Guido[/name]!!! [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] LaValle has entered the world weighing 6 lbs, 5 oz. [name]Nicole[/name], Jionni & [name]Enzo[/name] are doing great!” reports MTV.
It seems they will be calling him [name]Enzo[/name]–which I think is an awesome nickname!
Yeah, both [name]Lorenzo[/name] and [name]Enzo[/name] are great! And [name]Dominic[/name]!
I read before she was going to name him [name]Lorenzo[/name], but I love the nn [name]Enzo[/name], and [name]Dominic[/name] is a really nice middle name. A much better name than expected!
I love it! I had a feeling she’d pick a good name because I know she’s very much into Italian names. The combo is great, so handsome!
Very nice name.
It’s probably the best thing she’s ever done!
I admit, i was very impresses when I read his name. I also found out that she herself is not Italian by blood…she was adopted from Chile as a baby and her parents are both Italian however, heritage-wise she is not. Having adult friends who were adopted, I bet its so neat to see her baby as having her genes…something my friends have said has made them so happy since they never met anyone with their genes. <3
It’s a very cute name! I know a lot of people don’t like her, but I’m happy for her!
Great baby name!
I actually really like it. I was afraid she was going to name him something crazy, with random y’s and a silent X, but [name]Lorenzo[/name] is great! Not someting I’d use myself, but I’m glad she chose it.
Awesome name, I knew she would choose a good name like this one, most likely Italian!
[name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] is a surprisingly great name for the son of anyone on [name]Jersey[/name] Shore.
I love the LL combo! Name flows well together! Now we’ll just see how long she and her boyfriend stay together. Speaking of Italian names, is laval Italian? I thought all Italian last names ended in vowels. Is that a myth? (I realize of course he might only be half Italian on his mothers side, really I’m just curious about the vowel thing for last names of Italian origin. I would love to be Italian.
Nevermind my previous post, I thought I had read somewhere the last name was spelled “Laval.” But obviously “LaValle” is Italian.
You could be right though, Snooki was not born Italian, she was adopted by Italian parents, so it could be anything.
Encore- Lavalle is the fathers last name i think.
[name]Even[/name] though I had read before that she was planning to name him [name]Lorenzo[/name], I was still expecting something outrageous. But I was pleasantly surprised with her name choice. [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Dominic[/name] is fantastic!
Yeah, Lavalle is the father’s name. Snooki’s last name is Polizzi. I’m impressed with [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Dominic[/name]. It’s very handsome. I thought her baby boy would be along the lines of [name]Moon[/name] Unit (although apparently that’s a girl’s name)
Best celebrity baby name in awhile. Awesome.