Lou Samuel : Heidi and Seal's new baby daughter

What do you think of the name?
[name]Do[/name] you like it or not?
Does it goes with the other [name]Samuel[/name]-Klum siblings in your opinion?

I don’t really like it, but congrats to them!

No way, not for a girl!

Apparently she hasn’t been born yet…there seems to be some confusion about whether or not the birth has taken place…

This is a disturbing name for me.

[name]Lou[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]? It’s [name]WAY[/name] too girlie for me. (I kid, I kid…) :slight_smile:

I’m hoping that when an official announcement is made, we’ll see that [name]Lou[/name] isn’t actually the baby’s name.

As far as I know the birth has not been confirmed yet (and may not even have taken place so far) and I do hope very much that that won’t be the baby’s given name!

Heidis reps say it was a false announcement and baby girl [name]Samuel[/name] has not been born as of yet! So hopefully no [name]Lou[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]!

Apparently it’s true and she WAS born on the 9th. People.com just posted a story about it…

[name]Lou[/name] [name]Sulola[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]
Its officail!

[name]Lou[/name] [name]SUlola[/name] [name]Samuel[/name] has a terrible ring to it! Why didn’t they pick something elegant like [name]Helene[/name] ([name]Leni[/name])?

Wow, I so did not expect that to become true… And I also did not know that [name]Leni[/name]'s real name was [name]Helene[/name] (but it obviously makes sense, I heard she named her after her grandmother and my granny’s got the same name and nickname).
Hopefully [name]Lou[/name] is short for [name]Louise[/name] or [name]Louisa[/name], because those are actually pretty and classic names.

Its just [name]Lou[/name]. lol
[name]Lou[/name] & [name]Leni[/name] dont flow at all.


I refuse to believe it is [name]JUST[/name] [name]LOU[/name]! NO! They can do sooooooooo much better. I mean think of all the names [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Johan[/name] have got so it doesn’t seem fair just to give her one mn. And [name]Helene[/name] is beautiful and classic with the cute nn of [name]Leni[/name] but [name]Lou[/name] is just the cute nn part so I’m really hoping there is more to it! Please don’t disappoint us, [name]Heidi[/name] and [name]Seal[/name]:frowning:

I don’t think it is that bad… except for LOO, what people call a bathroom in [name]England[/name]. It reminds me of [name]Skip[/name] to My [name]Lou[/name]! I think it is prettier than [name]Charlie[/name] [name]Sheen[/name]'s [name]Sam[/name], just [name]Sam[/name]. It’s prettier if you don’t think about [name]Lou[/name] [name]Grant[/name]. I liked when [name]Mary[/name] called him Louissss.

[name]Louisa[/name]/[name]Louise[/name] would have been nice, but I really am not shocked and I care very little about poor little rich celebrity kids names, as it turns out.

I could very easily imagine being in a grocery store with my hypothetical daughter named [name]Lou[/name] and thinking it was adorable and natural and just not that awful. It sounds almost pretentious in how pretentious it doesn’t sound. Cute.

When I say “[name]Lou[/name] [name]Sulola[/name]” out loud, the S in [name]Sulola[/name] attaches to [name]Lou[/name], and I hear the word “loose.”

[name]Lou[/name] is a pretty popular girls’ name in [name]France[/name] and I would imagine other countries as well. [name]Lou[/name] Doillon, [name]Lou[/name] [name]Andreas[/name]-[name]Salome[/name], the Poemes a [name]Lou[/name] by [name]Apollinaire[/name]…

When I first read the topic headline I was for sure [name]Lou[/name] was a boy. This name is really growing on me for a girl. I personally wouldn’t use it but it has a spunky vibe to it. [name]Sulola[/name] is new to me so I’m neutral.

Congrats to them, but I don’t like the name at all >.<

[name]Lou[/name] & [name]Leni[/name] - doesn’t go together very well. Plus, both names are more like nicknames. [name]Don[/name]'t like it.

I think [name]Lou[/name] is a beautiful name for a girl! And [name]Leni[/name] & [name]Lou[/name] it sounds a little cutie…but [name]Sulola[/name] is terrible! It seems like an sport!
And [name]Heidi[/name] put so different names in her children see:
[name]Helene[/name] Klum
[name]Henry[/name] G”nter Ademola Dashtu [name]Samuel[/name]
[name]Johan[/name] [name]Riley[/name] Taiwo [name]Fyodor[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]
[name]Lou[/name] [name]Sulola[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]

Like all the boys with big names and all the girls with short names!
([name]Heidi[/name] is only [name]Heidi[/name] Klum, and [name]Seal[/name] has a biiig name!)
And [name]Leni[/name], is [name]Helene[/name], so I think she could put [name]Louise[/name] [name]Sulola[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]
or [name]Louise[/name] [name]Sulola[/name] [name]Heidi[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]