
[name]How[/name] would you pronounce it?

I like Loo-see-ah, but I’m curious as to how often I can expect to have it mispronounced as I know there quite a few different ways to pronounce it.

I would pronounce it the way you do.

I’ve never seen it spelled this way - I think [name]Lucia[/name] is prettier. It can be pronounced either loo-see-ah or loo-sha. I like loo-see-ah too.

I like both spellings but I think [name]Lucia[/name] would get mispronounced more often. I think [name]St[/name]. [name]Lucia[/name] when I see it spelled like that, also the italian pronunciation Loo-chee-ah and I really don’t like that even if I married and italian and our son’s name is [name]Rocco[/name]. lol.

Why would you want to misspell a perfectly lovely name?? [name]Lucia[/name] is my sister’s name, and pronunciation isn’t really a big problem. I never really understand why people make such a big deal of it-- all you have to is correct people, and that’s all! Plus, when I first saw Lucea I thought it was lu-[name]KAY[/name]-a or lu-[name]SAY[/name]-a.

I like the [name]Lucia[/name] spelling and the loo-SEE-ah pronunciation best. I really don’t care for the LOO-shah pronunciation at all, and loo-CHEE-ah is just so-so for me…

Good luck!

It isn’t a mispelling. It’s just a variation of [name]Lucia[/name], it’s also a place name: Lucea, [name]Jamaica[/name]