
I’ve thought up/of this name before for a girl after learning that the name [name]Llewellyn[/name] (which I love) was definitely a male name! I had never seen the name Luellyn used on anyone anywhere before today. This morning I was watching the credits roll from a show I had been watching & there it was: Luellyn ____ .
I Googled her full name & sure enough, she IS a she (haha)…I was so surprised to see that name!
I had also thought of the spelling variants Luellen & Luellin, but Luellyn became my favorite over time. I love the nn ‘[name]Lulu[/name]’ for it as well.
Thoughts on this name??

Luellyn is not doing anything for me. Probably because I know a great guy named [name]Llewellyn[/name] and can’t imagine the name on a girl. I put this in the same category as [name]Charleigh[/name] and Elliette: masculine names respelled to make them look “feminine.” Really not a fan of the trend. Does [name]Luella[/name] not appeal to you?

I have to agree with agirlinred - not a fan of this trend. In my view [name]Llewellyn[/name] is a beautiful classic Welsh name. If anything, I find it better to keep the spelling and decide if it sounds unisex enough to be used for a girl although it’s now essentially a boy’s name. Changing the spelling won’t change the meaning or make it more feminine. I do love this name, so I can see why you do as well!

I think that [name]Llewellyn[/name] is also a breed of dog. That would eliminate it for me, especially for a girl.

  1. If I heard you say this name aloud, I would assume you were saying “[name]Llewellyn[/name].”
  2. I think Luellyn doesn’t have the freshest sound. [name]Luella[/name] sounds more current.