Luna Morgan Potts

Does Luna Morgan Potts sound like she could be a middle-aged antagonist, who is a sorcerer? Note: the story is set in the future.

  • Yes!
  • Kinda…
  • No, not at all!
  • Luna is perfect
  • Luna is okay
  • Luna doesn’t work
  • Morgan is perfect
  • Morgan is okay
  • Morgan doesn’t work
  • Potts is perfect
  • Potts is okay
  • Potts doesn’t work

0 voters

Which name doesn’t sound like a middle-aged sorcerer?

  • They all work!
  • Luna
  • Morgan
  • Potts
  • Luna & Morgan
  • Luna & Potts
  • Morgan & Potts
  • None of them work.

0 voters

Finally, which one would you replace most?

  • Luna
  • Morgan
  • Potts

0 voters

I’ll admit that I’ve yet to read any harry potter books. however, I know enough to realize that both ‘luna’ and ‘potter’ are names associated with that series. because of those two (and the third connotation of morgan le fay), luna morgan potts certainly sounds like a sorcerer – and almost over-the-top so. the combination is fantastic, but I would consider some of the popularity as you decide whether or not to use it. :slight_smile:


Since I’ve only heard of Luna’s under age 10, I have trouble seeing [name_f]Luna[/name_f] on a middle-aged woman!

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@eleanorj000 I haven’t read [name_u]Harry[/name_u] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] either, but I never considered that [name_f]Luna[/name_f] and [name_m]Potter[/name_m] are both used! What names would you suggest instead of either [name_f]Luna[/name_f] or Potts?

@EagleEyes, if it helps, the story is set in the future, so I chose [name_f]Luna[/name_f] because [name_f]Luna[/name_f] is a pretty young name. Thank you for your feedback, though!

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In that case, I think Luna works well!

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hm. ‘potts’ is what displays the middle-agedness, at least in my opinion. I’m picturing a borderline-portly, greying-around-the-edges woman with a cauldron. if you’re looking for a ramrod-backed, jet-black sorceress you might need to modify these names. :upside_down_face:

firsts: vega, ursa, deneb – or you can keep luna
surnames: tubbins, corrigan, motts

those are the first few that came to mind. :woman_shrugging:

I like [name_f]Luna[/name_f] but it’s really only become popular in the past 10 years or so (in the US and UK I don’t know where this is set) so it doesn’t really seem Middle age to me,

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I associate Luna with kids more than adults, definitely! Morgan is a great middle and Potts is an excellent surname, however!

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