
Can anyone see problems with naming a boy [name]Lyon[/name]. Also, how would you pronounce it at first glance? My husband and I disagree on the pronunciation - but i think it is quite straight forward. I want other’s opinions. I don’t want to name a child something that people keep pronouncing wrong. Thanks!

I would pronounce this [name]Lee[/name]-ohn (with a long e and a long o) like the French city. This pronunciation sounds very feminine to me for a boy’s name.
I could also see people pronouncing it like [name]Leon[/name] or like lion.
I’m not sure which of the three you’re going for.
If [name]Leon[/name], spell it [name]Leon[/name].
If lion, well, I think that’s just too much name (though I could see it as an adorable pet name, maybe for [name]Lionel[/name]?)
If [name]Lee[/name]-ohn, then I guess this is the best way to spell it but I would urge you to give a lot of thought as to whether this is really a good name for your son, and would strongly suggest that you consider [name]Leo[/name] instead.

I’m not sure whether to pronounce it lee-OH (in a very French way, like the French city), or like [name]Lion[/name]. I personally don’t think the French pronunciation would work so well in an English speaking country.

I think it might be a little odd to name a child [name]Lion[/name] (which is what people will hear.) At the same time, I kind of like it… If it’s a family name or has some significance, it could maybe work… [name]Do[/name] you like [name]Leon[/name]?

I would pronounce it like [name]Lay[/name]-on with a very soft n at the end, which I believe is the way the french pronounce it (I may be wrong)

I love it so much, my only issue with it is that it looks like it should be pronounced “lion”

I would pronounce it [name]Lion[/name].

I’ve know 2 [name]Lyons[/name] (a boy and a girl). [name]Both[/name] pronounced it “[name]Lion[/name]” - like the cat.

I would pronounce it [name]LEE[/name]-on.

[name]Leon[/name] - [name]LEE[/name]-on

[name]Lyon[/name] - [name]Lion[/name]

that’s how i’d do it personally

thanks for all the input… I would definitely pronounce [name]Lyon[/name]… [name]Lion[/name] - like the animal. I am baffled at why english speaking people ( not french) would pronounce [name]Lyon[/name] - [name]LEE[/name]-on…like [name]Leon[/name]. But i guess lot’s of people do so that is something to think about. I like the spelling with a Y, because it goes well with our last name. But I would rather the name be pronounce correctly so maybe I will have to go with [name]Lion[/name]. we will see.

I agree that the [name]Lyon[/name] spelling looks better but it is was more confusing than [name]Lion[/name].

My name is actually [name]Lyon[/name] (I actually registered for the site just to reply to this) and I pronounce it [name]Lee[/name]-on, as in the French city. Everyone calls me “[name]Lion[/name]” when they first meet me, and some people just like to call me “[name]Lion[/name]” as a nickname, but I don’t mind. I think “lion” just sounds odd and “lee-on” sounds much more romantic and fluid, especially when you consider how beautiful the city of [name]Lyon[/name] is. Hopefully you’ll reconsider. =]

English-speaking people will still pronounce it as “[name]Lee[/name]-on” because the city ([name]Lyons[/name]) is very well-known. If you want to name your son “[name]Lion[/name]” — I wouldn’t recommend it! — then spell it [name]Lion[/name].

I’d say [name]Lion[/name].

And I think you are very clever to think of it.

When I read [name]Lyon[/name] I think [name]Lion[/name]… I also think of a number of Canadians throughout history with the name [name]Lyon[/name] as part of their name. Most notably [name]William[/name] [name]Lyon[/name] [name]Mackenzie[/name] [name]King[/name]- served as Prime Minister of [name]Canada[/name] 3 times. He pronounced his name [name]Lion[/name].
I prefer [name]Lyon[/name] to [name]Leon[/name].