Made another Hogwarts legacy character

So I made yet another Hogwarts legacy character. His name is Nathair Taipan. He’s a Scottish descent. He has light skin with black hair & bright green eyes. If I were to make a story with him, what would you name his siblings? I’m planning to make his brother in my other Hogwarts Legacy game but on my Switch. I was thinking to name his one brother (that would be on my switch) as Alasdair. But I’m not sure. Because Nathair means Snake in Scottish and Alasdair is Scottish as well. But I digress!

Give me names for Nathair’s siblings if he’d have any. Because in Hogwarts Legacy, we don’t know if the new 5th year has any siblings or who their parents are so it’s up to people who play to make up a backstory. So give me all the names you got. I don’t have any ideas on how many siblings Nathair would have. But I know he’d have at least a brother or two as well as sisters. I want all names that are Scottish, English, Irish, and any other names that come directly from the UK. Nathair is pronounced as NA-they’re just so no one gets confused.

Photo of Nathair