Mae Thisbe = May this be?

I’ve posted about using [name]Mae[/name] a couple of times and I think we are settled on it as our first name. I’d love for [name]Thisbe[/name] to be the middle name. I think it’s just a little bit spunky, but still feminine and unique. [name]Do[/name] you think people will make the connection of [name]Mae[/name] [name]Thisbe[/name] to the phrase may this be? I know no one uses that phrasing, but I’d hate to make her an especially easy target…

I doubt it, but the way I see it is, so what if they do? It’s not a nasty phrase, just a meaningless phrase that happens to rhyme. I could almost see goofy relatives using it in jest with her, affectionately. If you love the name, I wouldn’t give that worry any thought.

If anything I’d say that it’s positive. It sounds lovely to me.

People usually don’t use the first and middle name together by themselves, and they would have to be some clever and creative bullies to use a phrase like may this be with any aplomb.

It’s a lovely combination! You know, kids and people will make nicknames out of anything so I wouldn’t dwell on it too much.

I love [name]Mae[/name] [name]Thisbe[/name]! I didn’t even make the connection until I read your post, I just loved the pairing of the sweet, vintage [name]Mae[/name] with the spunky, Greek [name]Thisbe[/name]. I think it’s great. I don’t think most would make the connection.

I think it’s a great combo and you should stick with it.

Yes, you COULD get a phrase out of it, but nothing dirty or anything.

I see it. What about other short m names instead? [name]Mia[/name], mara, moira, maeve, mauve etc.

I don’t think it’s a big deal, especially with a lovely combo like that. I’ve considered [name]Thisbe[/name] [name]May[/name] many a time! [name]Both[/name] names are in my top 5.

[name]Mae[/name] [name]Thisbe[/name] is beautiful! I don’t worry about “may this be”, if you don’t mention it to anybody, then the name is fine. :slight_smile:


agree, its not a bad phrase and most people don’t know first and middle. when i first saw the title of your post i actually thought you were saying may this be the final name - so maybe it is meaningful!!

It’s beautiful. Who among those who might tease would even know her middle name? Most classmates surely don’t…

[name]Love[/name] it, it’s sweet and pretty!!!.. Interestingly if one of our twins is a girl her middle names will be [name]Thisbe[/name] [name]Mae[/name]… I am not quite confident enough to use [name]Thisbe[/name] as a first name :slight_smile:
I didn’t think of the connection to may this be…until I read it as a whole out loud… but I wouldn’t worry, how many people will actually know her middle name let alone use it.
Go for it, it really is an awesome name!!

It’s a lovely combination, and I don’t think people will be saying her first and second name together often enough for many people to twig onto it

[name]Thisbe[/name] [name]Mae[/name] sounds better

I see it. I think [name]Mary[/name] [name]Thisbe[/name] is gorgeous. Or [name]Mae[/name] [name]Angelina[/name] [name]Thisbe[/name]…or whatever you like in the middle to break it up.

However…it doesn’t have any negative message. It is totally usable. I would want to break it up but that’s just me.