Magnolia Bee

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there!

So a few weeks ago it was confirmed we’re having a girl!
Well it was so great, we knew if it were to be a girl her name would be [name_f]Magnolia[/name_f] [name_f]Bee[/name_f].
We love the name, it goes great with our boys Trapper [name_m]Knox[/name_m] and [name_m]Crockett[/name_m] Barrow.

It’s been so great, our circle loves the name. Our boys love the name and most importantly my husband does too!

SOOO my mom hates the name. She’s given me a few reasons but they haven’t been good enough to make me change my mind. What was your experience when your family member hated the name but you did it anyways because it’s your baby and your the one pushing the baby out! lol. I do keep reminding her it’s not her actual baby, I have a husband and she’s not the husband.

Thanks ladies.

My son is named [name_m]Archimedes[/name_m]. Both of my parents and one of my grandparents were very vocal about not liking the name. My dad sent me text messages with name suggestions until I was almost 7 months pregnant.

But you can’t pick your child’s name to please other people who aren’t the ones doing the parenting. To smooth things over we did pick a more accessible nickname, mainly because I didn’t want to deal with their moaning during my third trimester when I was moody and hot all the time, but we honestly might not have even needed to.
Once he was here and very much a real person they could hold and talk to, whatever feelings they had about the name in theory just sort of melted away. The same grandma who had complained about the name turned around and got onesies screen printed with Archinedes of Syracuse on them. Total 180.

And I think most of the time that’swhat happens. It’s easier to have a dissenting opinion on a name when it’s abstract, as soon as it’s being worn by someone you care about it’s a lot harder to have a negative response. And for those who still don’t like it, having a nickname can often smooth things over.

You’re right and thank you so much for sharing your experience.

It’s a lovely name, and I say just stick to your guns, agree to disagree and give your little one the name you adore. As soon as she’s born, the name will belong to her in all that she is and I’m sure your mother will take a shine to it then because of that.

I remember some of the family not being much a fan of one of my niece’s name prior to her birth, but as soon as she was born, it fit her perfectly and she couldn’t have been anything else. It was a case of the name being seen as quite dated as the only people associated with the name were older women, so when baby came along, low and behold, new association and changed opinions of the name. This may well be a similar thing for your mother with [name_f]Magnolia[/name_f], perhaps, so yes, go with your heart, and Mum will come around, I’m sure.

It’s a great name!

This is why we don’t share our babies’ names before they are already said, done, and born. No one will say something nasty about a real baby. (And if they do, they’re the ones with issues.)

Were they into your boys’ names before they were born?

Its a beautiful name, and you should chose the name you want regardless of what others say.

If you want to avoid the negative feedback/take the pressure off, perhaps you could say you have a shortlist and are still deciding until your daughter is born and then, as others have said, the qualms will no longer be an issue :slight_smile:

Oh yes, especially my mom. I think she’s having a hard time with us naming the baby without her input lol.

It’s turned into that. We just say we’re still thinking on it. You’re right though, she backs off when I say it.

Use it, ignore negative comments, literally act like you don’t hear them because it’s no one’s business what you name them. From experience we never want anyone to even know the names let alone say a word to us about them. If people know just act like it’s literally not an option to change a name you’ve given to a child. That’s her name already and that’s done is a final statement if you’re being hounded. You can’t please everyone (the word everyone just auto corrected to dragons… Which I find quite amusing and I imagine is also true) but it’s so not about everyone and they need to understand this is a person. Maybe call her [name_f]Maggie[/name_f] around people while pregnant? I’m sorry people are giving you a hard time, but congratulations on a little girl!

You ladies are right. Thank you all for taking the time to reassure me! It’s only been my mom so it’ll be ok in the long run. [name_m]Just[/name_m] makes you think a little.

[name_f]Magnolia[/name_f] [name_f]Bee[/name_f] sounds southern and sweet to me! We are in [name_u]Texas[/name_u] for crying out loud haha.

[name_f]Magnolia[/name_f] is not as bold as Trapper or [name_m]Crockett[/name_m] so I’m surprised it’s caused a stir. It’s #314 for god’s sake!!!

Not her baby. Not her business. [name_f]Magnolia[/name_f] [name_f]Bee[/name_f] is an adorable name!!

Use it it’s gorgeous! They won’t hate it they’ll warm to it eventually, it might not be easy but it’ll be okay in the end!

She’s your baby. You and hubby get to choose her name. Mom already named her own babies. Believe me, you will regret caving to hers or anyone else’s opinions. We all have opinions on every name whether we love, like, dislike or hate it. Please, don’t even try to please anyone or everyone. It will never happen. Go with your heart!