[name_m]How[/name_m] would you pronounce [name_f]Mair[/name_f] and how would you pronounce [name_f]Maire[/name_f]?
Either “mare” (like a female horse) or MAI-ruh (more for the second one.)
moir vs moi-ruh (v similar just making the r sound a distinct syllable on the second)
Like “mare”. [name_f]Mair[/name_f] kind of looks like it could be “Mah-eer”? But, I just see air-with-an-M. So unless someone told me otherwise, I’d say “mare”.
Mair would be m-ire, [name_f]Maire[/name_f] would be m-air.
When I say there is a slight difference in how I’d say them, I mean slight. [name_f]Maire[/name_f] would be slightly softer on the R. I doubt anyone would hear a difference though. Both would objectively be mare (air+M) to me.
I pronounce them the same! Like mare, or air with an m.
I might be wrong, though!!
Both are “air with an m”
Exactly the same: air with an m.
I probably would have pronounced them [name_f]Mare[/name_f] and [name_f]Mare[/name_f]-uh, but that is not how either is pronounced, so I would have been wrong. haha